Are you thinking of getting a new pet for Christmas?


Dogs 37 - Are you thinking of getting a new pet for Christmas
Christmas is a fun and happy time of the year. It’s all about celebrating, eating delicious food, spending time with your loved ones and getting lovely gifts for family and friends. During this time of the year it is very common for people to either get a new pet or to give a pet as a gift.

This seems to be the perfect present for pet lovers and for children. The days off work during the festive season are also very handy to spend some time enjoying the recently acquired puppy or kitten. Since Christmas is right on our doorstep, this seems to be a very good time to remind all future pet owners that a pet brings a lot of joy but it is also a huge responsibility.

We could not be more supportive of families getting new pets but many of these are brought home on an impulse, which often does not end well for them. Every year, hundreds of pets are left at pounds, charities or even abandoned during the months following Christmas. Once people realise all it takes to have a pet in their household, that pet is often no longer welcome.

Being a pet owner means you are responsible for every aspect of that pet’s life and that means that getting a pet is a decision that requires careful consideration.

Please remember that:

  • All pets need to be cared for on a daily basis
  • All pets grow up
  • All pets grow old
  • All pets will become ill at some point
  • Different pets have different needs
  • If you are considering getting a new pet please think very carefully if you have the time and if you are willing to dedicate your time to this pet. Ask yourself if you have the space to provide an adequate environment and if you can afford the costs of feeding, keeping and providing health care for your pet.

    There are far too many pets without a home living their lives in kennels and we, as a society, struggle to manage that situation every day. This Christmas please keep in mind that a pet is for life and not just for Christmas!
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