The Five Freedoms: How can I improve my horse’s life?

As we mentioned in our last Equine blog, horses and donkeys are amazing companions! They support us by giving us unconditional love, helping us with farm and transportation work, and can perform as outstanding athletes in various types of competitions.

As with all other companion species, the Five Freedoms are an essential part of equine welfare and in this blog, we’ll be talking about freedom from hunger and thirst and freedom from pain, injury and disease.

Keep reading to know how you can improve your horse’s life!

Freedom from hunger and thirst

Horses are large ruminants that require the appropriate type and quantity of food for their age, lifestyle, and physical condition (for instance, pregnancy, old age, or chronic illnesses).

Because this can vary so much for each horse and is likely to change during the horse’s life, it’s essential that you keep a close eye on their needs and change how you’re feeding them as needed. This might mean balancing nutrients, introducing supplements or finding better ways to avoid under- or overfeeding.

They also cannot live without water and, in fact, will suffer severe consequences quicker from a lack of water than from bad nutrition. This means that it’s crucial that you provide them with permanent access to fresh water that doesn’t have a bad taste (which might mean your horses drink less than they should) or isn’t accidentally contaminated with chemicals or microorganisms.

If you’re worried about your horse’s nutrition or if he or she has a disease that requires a specific type of food, don’t hesitate to talk to your vet! They can help you ensure your animals are receiving the right type and amount of food to thrive and remain healthy.

Freedom from pain, injury and disease

Discomfort and pain are two major contributors to decreased quality of life and lack of welfare in equines. An essential part of responsible ownership is creating and maintaining the conditions that allow your animals to live their best lives and spend many happy years with you.

  • Here are some of the best ways to ensure that your horses avoid pain, injury and disease:
  • Take a good look at where your horses live, sleep and exercise and make sure that they have a comfortable place to rest, enough space to move around and routines that respect their needs;
  • Schedule preventative veterinary appointments as regularly as needed and consistently be on the lookout for any problems that might come up, like limping, hoof problems or weight variations;
  • If your horse has a chronic health condition, they might require medication and special care from you;
  • Whenever you see an injury or a problem that requires urgent care, contact your vet as soon as you are able!

Join us for our next blog post as we wrap up our series on the 5 Freedoms of Animal Welfare!

In summary:

  • Respecting the five areas of animal welfare is essential for the health, wellbeing and happiness of your horse;
  • Equines require specific nutrition depending on their age, lifestyle and physical condition as well as permanent access to clean, fresh water;
  • A well-maintained stable, preventative veterinary care and support during medical emergencies as well as during chronic health conditions will ensure that your animals live long and happy lives free from suffering.


Would you like to know more about horses? Check our Equine Courses:

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Should I bathe my cat?

If this is your first time owning a cat, especially if you’ve been a dog owner of a breed with considerable grooming needs, you might be asking yourself: “Does my cat need to be bathed regularly?”.

Domestic felines descend from wild cats of dry, warm climates and are not known for appreciating water very much. While some feline friends might adore water, generally this is a distressing experience for most cats and, because they are great at keeping themselves clean, it’s not likely you will need to put them in the tub frequently.

Keep reading to learn all about the dos and don’ts of feline grooming and hygiene!

Do cats really clean themselves?

Cats spend a huge amount of time during the day grooming their fur and, if they live with other cats, they might also groom each other. Because of this, our feline friends tend to keep themselves far cleaner and tidier than dogs. This means that, for the most part, you won’t need to worry about bathing them regularly.

In fact, as we mentioned above, they are not likely to appreciate being in contact with a lot of water and might react badly to any attempts to do so. If you include having to be washed with shampoo and then doused with water again, it can be a very stressful experience for them!

Most breeds also have fur that feels rather uncomfortable when wet, meaning that they might not like to have damp fur whilst it is drying.

While bathing is often not a concern for your cats, a good regular brushing (especially for breeds with long or dense hair) and ear or eye cleaning as needed can do wonders for their overall hygiene. Even more particular cats will likely appreciate your help removing loose fur, skin particles, or eye secretions.

When does my cat need bathing?

Even though grooming and cleaning is a big part of your cat’s life, he or she might get into situations that could lead to you having to intervene directly on his or her hygiene.

Here are some of the most common reasons why bathing your cat might be needed:

  • He or she is very dirty or has something on his or her coat (like grease, paint or anything else that might be dangerous) that needs to be removed;
  • Your vet has recommended regular bathing for a health condition (often with a medicated shampoo) such as infections or allergies;
  • He or she is no longer capable of doing his or her grooming, for instance, due to old age or difficulty moving.

If you’re unsure if you need to clean your cat or don’t know how, it’s best to contact your vet for advice. In case you suspect your cat might have got into something toxic or dangerous, don’t delay—talk to your vet as soon as you can so you know what to do next!

What’s the best way to clean my cat?

In case your pet does need a little help cleaning his or her body and he or she is not a big fan of water, it might be better to start with pet-safe wet wipes or a damp cloth.

If you need a full soak, it’s best to find a cat-friendly shampoo that won’t irritate sensitive feline skin, use the least amount of warm water possible, and have a nice, cosy spot without draughts where he or she can rest while drying completely.

Some animals might require regular bathing for the rest of their lives and, in these cases, you can try to get them used to the process by starting gently and rewarding them every step of the way while you work to get them used to and happy being in the water.

In summary:

  • Cats are very thorough at cleaning themselves and won’t generally appreciate being dunked in water;
  • If he or she is unable to groom adequately, has certain health issues and your vet has suggested medicated baths, or has got dirty with something difficult to clean, you might need to bathe him or her;
  • While it’s very rare for your cat to need a bath, he or she will need regular brushing and, every once in a while, might need his or her ears and eyes cleaned.

Would you like to know more about cats? Check our Feline Courses:

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