Protect your horses from redworm!

Cyathostomins are also called redworms, and they are one of the most common intestinal parasites in horses in the UK.

These parasites can cause severe issues in highly infested horses due to the mass migration of larvae from their burrows in the intestinal wall during early spring. This means that diagnosing, treating and preventing this disease is vital for the health of your herd.

Read our blog to learn more about protecting your horse and yard from these small parasites.

What signs can I spot in my horses?

Due to the lifecycle of cyathostomins, the ingested larvae will produce cysts in the intestinal wall, where they will wait for the right time to emerge.

As they migrate out of their cysts, often in vast numbers, there is the chance for significant damage to the large intestine, and you can find horses with:

  • Sudden weight loss;
  • Lethargy;
  • Diarrhoea;
  • Colic;
  • Oedema.

In severe cases, horses may die suddenly! Animals under five years old may be more predisposed to having more significant clinical signs, though this disease can affect horses of any age.

The destruction and severe inflammation of the intestinal mucosa after the larvae emerge might make treating larval cyathostominosis a long process, and your vet is likely to suggest supportive treatment as well as a tailored deworming programme.

How can I help protect my horses from larval cyathostominosis?

Depending on the weather, redworm larvae are likely to migrate out of the mucosa during the late winter or early spring. They are often inactive during the winter months, and as they start emerging causing problems in your horses, their detection can be difficult.

Diagnosing larval cyathostominosis can involve blood testing, faecal analysis, ultrasound exams and other tests as your vet works to rule out other common causes of diarrhoea in horses.

As mentioned above, treatment involves a deworming protocol that is specifically made for your horses and their needs. Unfortunately, many parasites have developed resistance to the dewormers that we have available, so we must use these drugs correctly, in a controlled, efficient manner and avoid overusing them.

Another way to help protect your animals is by reducing the chances of them contacting these parasites in the first place. This might involve improved pasture and manure management as well as avoiding overcrowding in the yard.

If you are struggling with redworm and other types of parasite disease in your horses, it’s vital to work closely with your vet to find the best yard management and deworming protocols to reduce the parasite load.

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Can dogs have allergies?

Have you ever considered that your dog might be suffering from allergies? If you’ve ever noticed he or she starts scratching and itching more at certain times of the year, it could be due to a sensitivity to certain things such as pollens or flea bites. In this case, it’s essential to seek medical help as this can be a very distressing situation.

Read our blog post to better understand allergies and how you can help your furry friend feel better.

What are allergies?

An allergic reaction is an exaggerated immune response to something that is harmless, such as pollens, certain foods, medications or insect saliva.

Dogs have many types of allergies, but the most common ones are food allergies, flea allergy dermatitis and atopic dermatitis, which is caused by airborne allergens.

These often show up as skin problems. For instance, red, itchy skin that doesn’t seem to go away and is causing a lot of distress to your furry friend might be due to an allergic problem.

As many owners know, diagnosing and treating these issues can be complicated. Vets might not be able to pinpoint precisely what your pet is allergic to, but there are many tests they can do to narrow it down and then formulate the proper treatment to manage the signs successfully.

Is it possible for my dog to have allergies in the spring?

Many people suffer from the dreaded hay fever, a sensitivity to the many pollens that are floating around during spring, and it can make this season quite tricky. Our dogs can also suffer from this, but, as we have mentioned, it will most likely show itself as an itchy skin rather than sneezing or runny eyes.

Another common allergy that might flare up during the warmer weather is flea allergy dermatitis, as fleas are much more abundant in the spring and summer. For susceptible animals, even just one bite is enough to trigger intense itching and discomfort.

To help make sure that your dog is not exposed to potential allergens, it’s vital that you keep his or her flea treatment up to date, especially as the weather improves!

Can allergies be dangerous?

Unfortunately, some allergic reactions can be severe and even lethal if not treated promptly.

Dogs can have what is called an anaphylactic reaction, which is a very severe, acute response to an allergen. Although it is rare, it most often occurs following a bee or wasp sting, or when your pet is given a new vaccine or medication.

It generally happens minutes after exposure, and you may spot:

  • Sudden vomiting and diarrhoea;
  • Excessive drooling;
  • Hives and swelling of the face;
  • Difficulty breathing due to swelling of the throat or mouth.

This is an emergency situation! If you notice these signs, do not delay and call your vet immediately so they can assess your pet and ensure that he or she is properly treated.

In summary:

  • Dogs can have spring allergies, and they will most likely reveal themselves as an itchy skin;
  • Diagnosing and treating allergies can be challenging, but your vet can help you find the best solutions;
  • Whilst rare, anaphylactic reactions are generally life-threatening, and you need to call your vet if you think that your dog may be having one!

Would you like to know more about dogs? Check our Canine Courses:

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