Vaccines are usually separated into two different groups or categories: the core vaccines and the non-core vaccines. Core vaccines are recommended for all dogs in general and will allow them to develop immunity against canine distemper, hepatitis and parvovirus. Non-core vaccines are recommended only if your pet is at risk of being exposed to certain diseases, which means they will only be required depending on the dog’s local environment and lifestyle. Vaccines in this group provide protection against parainfluenza, leptospirosis, kennel cough and rabies.
A puppy should get his first vaccine at around eight weeks of age, the second vaccine at ten weeks of age and a booster one year after the first vaccine. Puppies will not be protected until approximately two weeks after the second vaccine and until then, owners should be extra careful with their pet. Puppies should not go for walks in public areas and should be keep at a good distance from other dogs that are not completely up to date with their jabs.
A dog must be in good health when vaccinated in order for a vaccine to be fully effective. Regular boosts will be necessary to keep their immunity from fading and the frequency of these boosts will depend on the vaccine brand and disease agent.
Consult your veterinary surgeon regarding vaccination plans. Your vet will gladly recommend the best vaccination protocol for your pet, based on his or hers individual needs.
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