Tag Archives: cat

Christmas and pets

Christmas and pets

For most of us, Christmas is a magical season, full of wonder and opportunities to reunite and spend time with those we love the most.

But when it comes to our pets, things can rapidly turn sour if we’re not careful so please do take some precautions!

Read our blog post to learn more about avoiding Christmas accidents and keeping your pets safe and stress-free during this season.

Toxic food and plants

How can something so delicious be harmful to our pets?

When it comes to seasonal delicacies, sharing is not caring. Chocolate, raisins, sultanas, onion, garlic, alcohol, and xylitol, to name a few, can be toxic to our pets, so make sure to keep traditional foods to yourself.

Some seasonal plants, such as holly, ivy, mistletoe, poinsettia and lilies, are also potentially dangerous if ingested, so keep these out of your pets’ reach!

Dangerous decorations

Presents, tinsel, ribbons, baubles, fairy lights, even the Christmas tree itself… The possibilities for mischief are endless during the holiday season!

If your pet’s curiosity is sparking, ensure that they don’t have access to decorated areas, because if inadvertently swallowed, Christmas ornaments can lead to choking, gastrointestinal obstruction or worse, perforation of the bowel.

Altered routines

Pets are creatures of habit and are likely to benefit from having set routines regarding feeding, going out, playing and sleeping.

If the timing of any of these elements is disrupted, it can lead to stress and even behaviour issues that we don’t want to occur.

Try to keep your pets’ routine unchanged even as the holiday season gets more stressful and if any accident happens, avoid scolding them, as this can aggravate the situation.

Pets as presents

Lastly, we’d like to raise awareness of the issues regarding offering pets as a gift to children or friends.

Though a wonderful experience, pet ownership is a long-term commitment of both time and resources and is not a decision that can be taken lightly.

Before you consider adopting a pet for your family or offering one to someone else, make sure you research and are able to sustain this commitment.

Nobody wants to spend the holidays at the vet, so don’t forget to keep a close eye on your pets during this season and ensure that they have a lovely time with the Christmas festivities!

Keep lilies away from your cats!

Keep lilies away from your cats!

As the festive season fast approaches, we will likely start decorating our houses and receiving gifts from family and friends!

Flower arrangements are a beautiful way to kick off the Christmas season, but unfortunately, pet owners need to be careful when bringing some plant species into close contact with their cats. Lilies are common flowers in arrangements and can easily find their way to your house via a well-intentioned loved one, but these lovely plants can be deadly for your feline friends.

Keep reading to know more about lily toxicity and kidney damage in cats.

Why are lilies dangerous for cats?

Species of lilies in the Lilium and Hemerocallis genus produce extremely toxic substances for cats, attacking the kidneys and may cause irreversible kidney failure, especially if ingestion has occurred over 18 hours before receiving treatment.

All parts of these lilies are highly toxic, as well as anything they are in close contact with, for instance, the water in the pot.

Some of the most dangerous lilies are:

  • Easter Lily;
  • Rubrum Lily;
  • Stargazer Lily;
  • Japanese Show Lily;
  • Tiger Lily;
  • Daylilies;

This list is not exhaustive! If you are looking to buy flowers or received any as a gift, always ensure it is not a dangerous species.

It’s important to note that some species have ‘lily’ in their common name, but they are not part of the groups of lilies that cause deadly toxicity in cats. While these other lilies might not cause fatal kidney failure, some can cause cardiac or digestive problems, so always check before you bring them in to your house.

If you’re unsure, double-check with your vet or keep these away from your home altogether to avoid any accidents.

My cat might have ingested a part of a lily, what can I do?

If you suspect your cat has ingested any part of the plant, including pollen that might have landed on his or her fur, or drank water from a pot with a lily in it, please contact your vet immediately! Even a tiny amount can lead to fatal poisoning.

Prompt medical assistance is vital to give your pet the best chance to recover with the least amount of permanent kidney damage. Even though some cats might go on to make a full recovery, this is not guaranteed, even when treated quickly.

The best way to avoid this situation is to keep any lilies away from your cats, both inside the house or in the garden!

Key takeaways:

  • Lilies of the Lilium genus and Hemerocallis genus are highly toxic for cats and can cause irreversible or even fatal kidney damage when ingested; 
  • All parts of the plant are toxic and even a small amount can be deadly; 
  • If you suspect your cat has ingested a dangerous lily, this is a medical emergency! Do not delay in contacting your vet; 
  • When bringing new plants into your home, always check the species to ensure that they are not toxic for your pets.

Would you like to know more about cats? Check our Feline Courses:

Feline courses


Help your cat through shedding season!

The dreaded shedding season is here! If you share a house with a cat, or worse, several cats, you know that there is seemingly no way to eliminate the vortex of fur that comes from such a small pet.

Even though we cannot guarantee you will stop finding hairs all over the place, there are many ways to help your feline friend get through their autumn coat change and ensure he or she is not suffering from excessive hair loss.

Why is my cat shedding?

Cats, like many other mammals, lose a lot of fur during specific times to change their coat for a hair density more suitable to the season.

During autumn, they shed to grow denser fur for winter, which is a perfectly normal, if a little annoying, thing for them and us.

Breeds with long or denser hair like the Persian, Ragdoll or the Norwegian Forest cat will shed more, and their hair is considered to be of higher maintenance than breeds with shorter hair as they require more frequent brushing to avoid painful matting.

How can I help my pet during this time?

Here are some of the ways to make shedding season better for you and your cats:

  • Brushing frequently or even daily will ensure your house will have less fur flying around everywhere and also help your cat ingest less fur;
  • If your cat has long hair or is no longer capable of grooming due to problems like osteoarthritis, brushing is vital to avoid matting and to help him or her feel clean and comfortable;
  • Some cats might not appreciate some types of brushes, so in this case, you can try different solutions like a glove or a soft brush to see which ones they tolerate the best;
  • When your cat needs to be groomed, if he or she is not used to this intervetion, there could well be some resistance. The best solution might be to take him or her to a professional groomer every once in a while;
  • Ensure that you are feeding your cats high-quality, nutritionally complete and life-stage appropriate food as this will keep their fur healthy and lead to less shedding;
  • As this is a time of higher hair loss, your cat might ingest enough hair to have hairball problems, so don’t forget to keep an eye out for that!


What if my cat is losing too much hair?

Sometimes, it can be tough to know if your cats are simply shedding hair because of seasonal changes or if they have an underlying health problem that is causing excessive fur loss.

When you start seeing bald spots, excessive itchiness or dry, red skin, this might mean there is a problem that needs medical attention.

There are many causes for excessive hair loss, including parasites, fungal infections, nutritional deficiencies or even very serious problems like hyperthyroidism or even cancer, which is why it’s important to speak to your vet if you have concerns about your pet’s shedding.

Would you like to know more about cats? Check our Feline Courses:


Should I groom my cat?

The most common question cat owners have is “Should I groom my cat?”, especially if they are first time owners!

We all know that cats are pretty much self-sufficient when it comes to cleaning their fur and skin, but there are many situations where you’ll need to intervene.

Keep reading to learn when and how to groom your cat to ensure your feline friend always has beautiful fur and healthy skin.

Which cats need grooming?

It is no surprise that cats with long or thick hair have very different grooming requirements than cats with short fur. If your pets have luxurious locks, you and them will have to get used to regular or even daily brushing as well as periodic hair trimming.

However, even if you have a cat that has thin or even no hair, he or she might need to be groomed and bathed once in a while. During shedding season, regular brushing will not only avoid a vortex of fur in your house but also help your cats feel more comfortable, and they will take in less fur, leading to fewer chances of hairballs.

Another group of cats that will need specialist fur and skin care is pets with infections (from fungi, parasites or bacteria) in their skin or prone to allergies. Your vet might recommend that you apply topical medication during bathing, which could mean that you will have to bath them frequently.

How do I groom my cat?

If you’re just now embarking on the pet owner journey, you might be feeling a little lost on how to help your cat maintain healthy fur and skin.

As we’ve just mentioned, many cats need regular grooming due to having long fur or if they happen to have medical problems that require special attention focussed on their skin and coat. But the truth is that all cats will need a little grooming help at least once in a while, which is why it’s crucial to get them used to being handled and groomed early on!

Here are some of the most important parts of a great fur and skin routine:

  • Fur brushing can be a pleasant activity for a cat, but getting him or her used to it as an adult can take some time, so make sure to keep sessions short and full of rewards;
  • Bathing can be a hard sell for your pets which means that the best way is to get them used to it when they are as young as possible and to make it an enjoyable experience;
  • Don’t forget to take a close look at their nails and clip them if needed!

When all of this goes well, grooming becomes a wonderful bonding moment between you and your cat. However, we know that some cats can be very challenging to groom, and that’s when professional grooming services come to the rescue.

It’s okay if you struggle with this and need to call for help, so don’t hesitate to shop around for the perfect groomer or speak with your vet about your difficulties!

Improving mealtimes for older pets

As our pets grow older, they go through a significant number of changes. They may not enjoy moving as much, they may lose some sharpness to their senses, and they may suffer from chronic conditions such as kidney disease, osteoarthritis or diabetes.

Keeping an eye out for these changes is very important as our pets can have a dip in their quality of life as time goes on. However, there are some things we can do to enhance their comfort at home, one of which is improving their eating experience.

Eating is one of the most important daily activities, and senior animals often find themselves not enjoying their mealtimes as much. This can lead to a significant decrease in their calorie intake, causing them to lose weight.

Here are some tips on how to ensure your golden oldies have a five-star gourmet experience every day:

Switch to a diet appropriate for their age

Usually, cats are considered seniors at around ten years of age, while dogs vary between seven for larger breeds and nine for smaller breeds. At these ages, consider changing their food to a special senior formulation.

There are plenty of options made specifically for senior pets, and therapeutic diets that help with a number of health problems. These formulations contain all the nutrients that they need to support age-related conditions such as lowered immune systems, achy joints, and kidney disease. They also have the right texture and shape for pets who can no longer smell or chew so well.

Improve palatability

Improving palatability may take a little trial and error, but it can be very rewarding for you and your pets.

Try to offer novel food textures such as soft wet food, which can help if your pet has pain chewing, or change the brand and flavour of their meals.

Offering smaller portions throughout the day and introducing exciting food puzzles are also quick changes you can implement to great effect.

Pouring a little water or salt-free broth on dry kibble and gently heating it in the microwave improves aroma, which can compensate for any loss of smell.

Be mindful of their limitations

Osteoarthritis, muscular weakness or painful chronic conditions all make bending down harder. If you spot your pets struggling to reach their food, place the bowl a little higher so that eating is more comfortable for them.

Golden oldies who no longer hear or see very well may also feel disoriented in busy spaces and may struggle to find their food. Keeping their bowls in an easily accessible, comfortable and quiet room can do wonders for them!

Ask your vet for help

Every pet is different, and sometimes it can be pretty challenging to get an older pet, especially one with concurrent health conditions, to eat what they need to stay healthy.

If you find yourself struggling with this or have any questions on how to improve your furry friend’s quality of life, do not hesitate to contact your vet.

Environmental enrichment for cats

Last Sunday was International Cat Day, a day created to celebrate our feline friends.

At The Pet Professionals, we believe all days should be ‘cat days’, so we’re keeping the celebration going, and we’re going to share with you our three top tips to help you enrich your cat’s life.


#1 – Meeting basic needs

If you are the proud owner of a purring friend, this is where to start. 

Make sure that your cat has access to all the resources that they require to satisfy their most basic needs, such as eating, drinking, sleeping and going to the toilet.

Here is some useful information that you might not be yet aware of. Did you know that…

  • Eating and drinking bowls should not be near each other
  • Cats tend to prefer wide and shallow dishes
  • Having multiple sources of water around the house is helpful to encourage drinking
  • The litter tray should be away from the eating, drinking and resting areas
  • If you have more than one cat, it is recommended to have one litter tray per cat plus an additional one
  • Cats tend to prefer open trays and unscented litter
  • Some cats will not use the litter tray if it’s dirty, and will find elsewhere to eliminate

Basic needs – not so basic that we should ignore them!


#2 – Providing opportunities to display natural behaviour

For cats to be happy, they need to be able to display their natural behaviour. This includes:


If your cat does not have outdoor access, it’s very important to provide them with hunting opportunities at home. Fortunately, there are several toys that you can purchase or make to mimic hunting. 

Also, playing is great for physical and mental stimulation and can be a bonding experience if using interactive toys. However, keep in mind to never play with your cats with your hands and fingers as this could direct predatory behaviour towards you or other family members.

Even though they’re likely to have a favourite, rotate your cat’s toys every once in a while, to keep things fun!


Please do not try to discourage your cat’s scratching behaviour, even if they’re trying to create a ‘new texture’ for your furniture. Scratching is something that comes naturally to cats and that allows them to communicate and keep their nails sharp.

If your cat is scratching on something that they shouldn’t, such as the couch or curtains, for example, provide them with an appropriate surface to scratch on and make sure to place it somewhere that your cat will use it. Sometimes, moving the cat scratching post from the corner of the room to near a problem area will prevent your cat from scratching where you don’t want them to.


In the wild, cats are mighty predators, and a key component of the prowl is patient observation. High places, such as shelves or the top of the refrigerator, are usually greatly appreciated by cats, as it provides them access to a large visual field and a position of advantage. Providing your cat with vertical territory allows them to feel safe and contented.


However, as great as hunting as cats are, cats can also be a prey target, making it twice as important to be observant, and to have a place to retreat to if needed. Having hiding places around the house can be a great source of comfort and safety.

If your cat is hiding, try to avoid disturbing them and let them come out on their own when they feel ready.


#3 – Making your cat’s space their own

Every cat is different, and each has their own personality and quirks. Make sure to make adjustments as needed to best suit your cat’s character so that they can lead happy lives.


Would you like to know more about cats? Check our Feline Courses:


Preventing pet theft

If there’s one good thing that came out of this pandemic, it would have to be a strengthened relationship between ourselves and our pets.

Pets have provided us with an unparalleled source of company and support in these challenging times, which we believe to be related to the increased demand for pets that we’ve seen in the past year.

However, as with any other situation in life, there are positives and negatives, which leads us to today’s blog post about pet theft.

According to the charity DogLost, reports of pet theft have increased by 170% in the last year.

As pet owners, we can only imagine how horrifying it must be to have your pet stolen, so we’d like to share our top four tips to help you keep your pets safe.

# 1: Safety while out and about

Before taking your dog for a walk, make sure that they are wearing their ID tags.

There are a number of precautions that you can take while out on a walk with your dogs to maximise your safety, including:

• Walking your dogs on a lead in public places
• Walking your dogs around other people, in well-lit places
• While playing fetch, not throwing their toys too far away
• Avoiding having a fixed walking routine
• Avoiding posting your location on Social Media
• Not leaving your dogs tied up outside when you go into a shop

#2: Pet training

There is one command that can be invaluable in these situations, which is a good recall. If you’re out playing with your dog off lead and you notice a stranger approaching, call your dog and keep them near you and out of other people’s reach.

#3: Home safety

Unfortunately, we can’t help but mention that not all cases of pet theft occur on the streets or in public gardens and that there are individuals who will break into your home to steal your dog if they find the opportunity to do so. If your pet is home alone, make sure to leave the doors locked and your windows secured. If you have an alarm, remember to turn it on.

#4: Identification

This will not prevent your pet from being stolen, but having your pet microchipped will be instrumental in reuniting you after they are hopefully found. Make sure that your contact information is updated with the microchip company as well as your vet.

One last thing worth mentioning is that dogs of popular breeds such as French bulldogs and Pugs, for example, as well as unneutered dogs, may be at increased risk of theft.

However, pet theft is something that can happen to anyone, so we hope that you follow our tips and never have any problems with this type of crime.

Cats and the cold

As winter is fast approaching, we would like to take some time to talk about our cats’ relationship with the cold and the different ways that it can affect their comfort.
If we had to point out some of the most common features of our beloved domestic felines, we’d probably have “love warm spots to sleep on!” quite high on our list. This would be right next to purring and also their capacity to effortlessly charm us into forgiving them for tossing random things onto the floor.
Despite their luxurious coats, cats generally are not adapted as well to the cold climates as dogs. Most breeds lack the thick, insulating fur that makes freezing temperatures bearable for dogs like Huskies or Samoyeds, with the added issue that they are incapable of retaining body heat when their non-insulating coat is wet.

As temperatures continue to drop, how can we make sure we are well prepared to help our furry friends?

  • Make sure you don’t shut your cat out during the night or for long periods, especially when the weather is wet and cold;
  • Drafts make up for an awful sleeping experience, so position their beds in places that are far away from cold air currents;
  • Your pets will thank you if you add warmer bedding to the areas they usually sleep on;
  • If your cats seem to be restless or if they are starting to sleep in odd places like the inside of closets or on top of laptop vents, it might be a sign they are having difficulty keeping warm;
  • When fostering feral or semi-feral cats that live permanently outside, it’s very important to ensure there is an accessible, warm, dry shelter that is away from freezing wind so that they can protect themselves from the cold.

Not all pets experience the cold in the same way! Depending on their age and some health issues, some cats can be more sensitive to extremes of temperature than others.
Elderly and sick pets tend to be much more vulnerable to lower temperatures because they cannot adapt to them or retain enough heat in their bodies. Chronic conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease and hyperthyroidism will also require that you pay special attention to your pets’ needs during this winter time.

If your cats run away during bad weather and get stuck outside for several hours, time is of the essence! Bring them in as soon as possible, make sure that they are dry and keep them warm. Call your vet and tell them what has happened and ask for further advice, as your pets might need medical assistance due to issues like hypothermia and even frostbite.

Would you like to know more about cats? Check our Feline Courses:

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The cat attack – Why is my cat being aggressive?

Particular as they may be, cats have wonderful personalities and make great companion animals and furry friends.

However, sometimes cats can show aggression towards their owners and other pets, which can be very detrimental to the bond between them and the home environment, and even dangerous in extreme situations.

Some aggressive behaviours are natural and even essential when it comes to hunting and personal defence, but these are definitely not wanted or needed in the security and comfort of our homes.

So, assuming that our cats are fed, well, that they don’t need to hunt to provide for their next meal, and that they have the whole house to claim as their territory, what can be causing our cats to act aggressively?

To answer this question, we need to go back to the kittens first weeks of life. Approximately between the second and ninth weeks of age, there is a very important phase in a kitten’s development, also known as the socialisation period. During this period, the kittens should be with their mother, so they can learn a number of normal cat behaviours, such as hunting and grooming, for example, skills that they are going to need and use throughout their lives. This is also the ideal timing to introduce the kittens to different experiences and stimuli, so they can get to know what to expect of a situation, what to fear, what to be careful with, and what is safe, gaining the foundations to grow into healthy and confident adult cats.

When a kitten is not adequately socialised, this can result in the manifestation of aggressive behaviours later. However, aggression is often the combination of various factors and not the result of a single event. Another common cause of attacks is a response to stress, which can, in turn, be associated with interactions with people (which can be as simple as petting), or with other animals, changes in the environment, fear, pain, and even health conditions.

Hyperthyroidism, infectious diseases, osteoarthritis and idiopathic cystitis are just a few examples of medical conditions that are commonly associated with feline aggression. As such, if your cat is acting aggressively, it is very important to seek veterinary assistance. Your vet will be able to perform a thorough check-up to make sure no health issues are causing these behaviours, as well as devise a treatment plan matched to your cat’s case.

Treatment strategies can be as simple as modifying the cat’s environment or the way you interact with your cat, but most cases usually require a multi-modal approach. Also, keep in mind that altering a cat’s behaviour is something that takes time and patience. Make sure you discuss with your vet all the concerns you may have and do not try to solve this type of problem without the help of a qualified professional.

Would you like to know more about cats? Check our Feline Courses:

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Routines are vital for feline wellbeing

Cats may seem to be whimsical pets who enjoy doing all sorts of random things (usually involving pushing fragile objects off the shelves!) but, the truth is, they are animals that rely on stable routines to feel confident and safe.  

They like to know who will be home (and when), at what hours they can expect your full attention, and to have the best places available to nap when the mood strikes. Does this sound familiar?  

Because most of us have altered our routines in one way or another due to the current Coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to be aware of how these changes can affect our pets. Not only may we feel a little more stressed sometimes, which pets can be sensitive to, but domestic organisation may also have been thrown into complete disarray.  

If your purring pal seems a bit unsettled or is exhibiting odd behaviours like excessive vocalisation, for example, it may be a sign that they are trying to adapt to change and develop new habits. 

Help them along during this time by reviewing if your home is still a cosy cat corner:  

  • Is there a place where your cat can retire to if he or she needs to be away from people or other pets?  
  • Are you taking the time to play and have meaningful interactions with your cat?  
  • Do they have enough ways to stave off boredom, for instance with toys, unobstructed windows or a place to hang out with you while you work?  

Some cats will be more troubled by this than others, but with disruption comes increased anxiety, which can originate odd behaviours, as we have mentioned, or even a decline in overall health.  

Cats, in their normal state, are masters at hiding pain and discomfort. With all of these sudden changes, it can be easy to dismiss signs of illness as being something your pet is doing because their routines have been altered!   

It’s vital to keep a keen eye on them during this time to make sure they feel comfortable and to detect any problems that may arise. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your vet for advice.

Would you like to know more about cats? Check our Feline Courses:

Feline courses