Category Archives: The Pet Professionals

Taking your dogs for a swim

Taking your dog with you on outdoor adventures is nothing new! As more beaches, lakes and even pools become pet-friendly, there is a big chance you will be out in places where your dog could go for a swim. 

However, deep water, especially unpredictable water with currents or hidden dangers, is not to be underestimated! Dogs are naturally curious animals and are often not used to being out in these situations, a combination that can spell disaster. 

Keep reading to find out how to ensure your furry friend has the perfect swimming day. 

Can my dog naturally swim? 

While many people think dogs can swim, the truth is, this is quite variable! Many breeds were indeed selected to be peerless swimmers, but this does not guarantee that your dog, (even if from a working water breed such as Labrador Retriever or Poodle), will know how to swim or even if he or she wants to go into the water. 

Nevertheless, you can teach a dog to love swimming and increase his or her confidence in the water. 

It is best to take things slowly and, most importantly, never to force your pets to be in a situation that might cause them distress, such as dragging them into the water or throwing them beyond their depth. 

Another vital part of your dog’s swim journey is a well-fitting life jacket, especially if you are out on a boat and there’s a risk of falling overboard into dangerous currents. This buoyancy aid not only dramatically increases your pet’s confidence and comfort but can also save his or her life in case of an accident. 

If you are unsure how to teach your furry best friend how to swim or are struggling with getting results, consult a professional trainer. 

My dog is used to the water, so can I leave him or her unattended? 

You should avoid leaving your dog unattended around bodies of water, even if your dog is an excellent swimmer outfitted with a lifejacket, or even if he or she is in a place that they are used to going. 

It’s best to err on the side of caution in these cases, as there are many dangers lurking around these areas that can quickly turn the situation sour. Drowning can happen quickly and silently, so always make sure your dogs are not unattended or without a leash. 

If your pet leaves your sight and he or she returns to you listless, with an injury or vomiting, don’t hesitate to call your vet for help. 

What else should I consider when going swimming with my dog? 

Now that you’re all set for the perfect day with your dog, don’t forget to check the water conditions when you arrive. If you’re out on the lake, ensure that there are no blue-green algae blooms and that the water is safe to swim in. Watch out for strong currents or nasty waves when going to the beach. 

Sunburns and heat stroke are also a concern, so make sure your dog has sunscreen on, permanent access to shady, cool areas and plenty of fresh water.  

And, of course, no adventure is complete without a handy first aid kit! Here are some of the best things to carry with you: 

  • Bandages and surgical sticky tape; 
  • Cotton wool and sterile gauze; 
  • Scissors and tweezers; 
  • A comfortable and thick towel; 
  • Thermometer; 

This should cover many of the accidents that can cause injuries, hypothermia or even catching stray ticks.  

Why don’t you check out our video on canine first aid which covers first aid kits in detail.

In addition, remember always to keep your vet’s number and address with you so you can quickly call for help! 

Would you like to know more about dogs? Check our Canine Courses:

Canine courses


Help your cat be comfortable with children

Cats are very particular animals that enjoy the stability of their routines and can be pretty picky with the people they interact with.

As a parent or someone who frequently has kids visiting, you might be worried that your feline friend will not be too keen on having small, often loud and energetic humans in the house.

The unknown person factor and the potential for uncomfortable stimuli can be daunting, but it’s possible to prepare your kids and your cat for this to go as smoothly as possible!

First impressions are important

Whether you are bringing a new cat into a home with children or letting children meet an established cat, it’s important to remember to meet your pets’ needs first and foremost and let them lead the first interaction.

Terrible first impressions aren’t impossible to fix, but if your cat has a significant negative experience, especially during their first days with you, it can impact their stress levels.

This is why it’s important to choose a moment where your pet is calm and relaxed, and your kids have been adequately coached on the dos and don’ts of interacting with your feline best friend.

If your cat looks like he or she is no longer enjoying the interaction, gently remove him or her from the situation and provide a treat reward.

Teach your kids about boundaries

Depending on their age, it might be the first time they interact directly with a pet, but even older kids might need a little refresher on the particular needs of cats.

It’s best to start educating them on this as early as possible and always be ready to intervene until your children understand the ‘rules’. Respecting your pets’ comfort boundaries is extremely important as they might not always be in a position to flee, which can result in reactive aggression and a bad experience for everyone.

Keep these things in mind:

  • Teach them to be gentle and show tem how to touch a pet without hurting;
  • Be firm when it comes to behaviours such as tugging on ears, legs or tails, as these are never acceptable;
  • Be patient and always keep calm to avoid increasing tension and stress for both your kids and your cats;
  • Until your children reach a certain age, never leave your pets and kids with each other unsupervised. Even the most well-behaved and gentle cat is very likely to react badly if provoked or harmed, even if by accident!

Make sure your cats have quiet spots to hide in

Life with kids is not for the faint of heart! Always allow your cats to opt-out of interacting with little humans whenever they see fit and ensure that they have a room or space where they will not be disturbed.

All animals have different personalities, and some take to children better than others, but it’s vital they are allowed to choose when and where to get attention.

With time and patience, it’s possible to build beautiful lifelong friendships between your kids and your cats!

Would you like to know more about cats? Check our Feline Courses:


4 common health problems in horses during summer

Summer provides lots of opportunities to enjoy the warm weather with your horse, but it can also bring some health issues.

Here are some of the most common problems that horse owners might encounter this season and what to do when faced with them.


Dehydration can happen when a horse loses more water (for example, through sweat) than he or she takes in. This is why it’s so important to have fresh water permanently available to your horse, especially during warm days.

Signs of dehydration include:

  • Dark urine/reduced urination;
  • Lethargy;
  • Dull eyes;
  • Dry mouth and skin.

But sweat is not composed of water alone, so electrolyte supplementation may be necessary for some horses, especially if they exercise a lot.


Heatstroke is caused by an excessive increase in a horse’s body temperature and it can be a life-threatening condition.

It often happens when exercising in a hot environment, as it’s harder for horses to lose the excess heat, especially if they are dehydrated.

Signs include:

  • Panting;
  • Nostril flaring;
  • Increased rectal temperature;
  • Irregular heartbeat;
  • Reduced performance and delayed recovery after exercise;
  • Muscle spasms.

Keep in mind that heat exhaustion is a medical emergency! Contact your vet immediately if your horse is showing any of the signs described! Until help arrives, please move your horse to a shaded area and start to cool them by applying tepid water to their skin.


Sun exposure can be as damaging to horses as it is to us, with areas of pink skin and little or no hair being the most vulnerable to sunburn, such as the skin around the muzzle. Sunburnt skin typically looks red, swollen and can be painful.

You can prevent sunburn by protecting vulnerable areas of skin with sun cream or sun-blocking gear, such as a UV filtering face mask.

If your horse gets sunburnt, it’s essential to keep him or her in the shade and apply a soothing cream to the affected area to help the skin heal. Speak to your vet if the skin doesn’t improve within a few days or if you’re concerned about the severity of the burn.

Sweet itch

The saliva of the midge (Culicoides) and the black fly (Simulium) can cause an allergic reaction in some horses, resulting in a condition known as sweet itch (or Equine Insect Bite Hypersensitivity).

This illness usually affects the base of the mane, base of the tail and the face, but also the back, belly and rump. Signs include:

  • Intense itchiness that can lead the horse to scratch on posts and trees;
  • Tail swishing to keep the flies away;
  • Excessive grooming from other horses;
  • Scratching that can result in hair loss as well as skin inflammation, potentially leading to infection and thickening of the skin;
  • Lethargy or becoming agitated/restless.

Regarding prevention, keeping your horses inside during the day and out at night and using fly sheets plus face masks can reduce the exposure to midges. Many fly repellents can be used to deter flies from biting, and removing droppings frequently from the stable will help avoid attracting flies.

Though horses often find the hot weather uncomfortable, there is plenty we can do to reduce the risk of these heat-related problems. Don’t hesitate to contact your vet if you’re struggling to keep your animals safe this summer.

Would you like to know more about horses? Check our Equine Courses:


Protect your dog from the sun

As the sunny days of high summer are getting closer, we would like to take some time to talk about the damage the sun can do to our dogs.

Sunburn and skin cancer are just as significant in our pets as in people! Even if you and your dogs aren’t often out on lengthy outdoors adventures, it’s vital to protect them during sunny days, even if just from the light coming in through the windows.

Keep reading to find out more about avoiding sun-related skin problems this summer.

Can dogs get sunburnt?

The answer is absolutely yes! The sun affects our pets’ skin and can cause burns of varying severity. These are quite bothersome and, in some cases, can be extensive enough to need a trip to the vet.

Dogs love to be outside for long periods or nap in sunny places, putting them at risk of getting burnt. It’s important to remember that they won’t necessarily move away from the sun before they are burnt, so you need to make sure that they do.

Red, tender and flaky skin are sure signs that your pet has a burn! Smaller burns can usually be treated at home with the proper ointments, but more extensive or severe burns require appropriate veterinary treatment.

What are the risks of skin cancer in pets?

Not only is the sun responsible for burns and other skin problems, it can also put your pet at risk of developing severe diseases like skin cancer (malignant melanomas, squamous cell carcinomas or mast cell tumours).

While there are many factors involved in the development of skin cancer, we know that UV damage from the sun plays a part, and too much exposure to this harmful radiation will definitely increase the risk of your dog developing cancer.

These types of cancer can be highly damaging and difficult to treat! The sooner they are spotted, the better the chances of treating them successfully, so always keep a keen eye on your dog’s skin.

If you spot areas with colours that weren’t there before (darker, lighter or red coloured skin), or you see bumps and/or ulcers developing for no reason, do not hesitate to contact your vet.

How can I prevent harm from UV rays?

The best way to reduce the risk of sunburns and skin cancers induced by harmful rays is to limit sun exposure and take the proper measures to avoid putting your dogs in a situation where they can’t escape being out in direct sunlight.

Here are some of the main ways to avoid sun damage:

  • Choose the best sunscreen for your dog – There are plenty of sunscreens out there but it’s important to choose one without zinc oxide or aminobenzoic acid as they are toxic if ingested. Consider one that is also waterproof and unscented if your pooch loves a good swim.
  • Protect your dogs while out on walks or hikes – If you’re fond of outdoor adventures, you might also want to consider protective clothing that’s made to be cool enough for a hot day but also protecting from the hot sun. This way you only need to apply sunscreen to the exposed areas.
  • Keep their home safe from overexposure to the sun – Make sure that your dog has the chance to be out of the sun in case he or she wants to, for instance, with shaded spots out in the garden or with permanent access indoors. If you notice that they have been out for too long, call them in before they suffer a burn.

Even with all of these precautions, it’s important that you avoid the hottest hours of the day to be outside. Not only are the UV rays at their most dangerous, but excessive heat can harm their sensitive paws and might cause heatstroke!


Would you like to know more about dogs? Check our Canine Courses:

Urinary disease in cats can be deadly!

Do you know about Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease? Also called FLUTD for short, this set of conditions is a common challenge for cat owners, and many of us have had direct experience with the problem.

The most important thing about FLUTD is that you should never ignore signs of urinary distress in your pets! What might seem like a simple problem that will go away on its own can become severe or even deadly if it compromises the bladder or the kidneys.

Read on to discover more about the importance of this syndrome and how to best help your cats in a time of need.

What is FLUTD?

FLUTD is not a singular disease, instead it’s a set of conditions that affect the lower urinary tract which is made up of the bladder and urethra.

It can be caused by many diseases such as infections in the bladder, bladder stones, obstructions in the urethra, cancer in the structures of the lower urinary tract or even stress.

While treatment is usually directed at resolving the underlying condition that is causing it, FLUTD can also have no apparent cause, and we call this idiopathic cystitis.

Regardless of the cause, it’s vital to know how to identify if there is an issue with your cat’s urinary system. You might see:

  • Your pet having difficulty urinating as this is usually a very painful condition;
  • Increased frequency of the trips to the litter tray due to an irritated bladder or issues with passing urine;
  • Changes in behaviour like unusual aggression, house soiling and too frequent grooming of the abdomen or the area surrounding the urethra that might result in hair loss or skin inflammation.

If this problem progresses to a complete incapacity to urinate, this is a medical emergency, and you should contact your vet immediately!

How can I prevent FLUTD?

FLUTD can be a recurring problem for many cats which means it’s likely that they will suffer from more than one episode.

Managing and preventing FLUTD will depend on the underlying cause, so it’s vital for your vet to thoroughly investigate what might be wrong with your cat and to diagnose exactly what is causing the lower urinary problem.

Your vet will then prescribe the specific treatment for the cause of your cat’s episode. This might include pain medication, antibiotics or even surgery to resolve a urethral obstruction and avoid severe kidney damage.

They are also likely to recommend dietary and home changes such as switching to wet food to encourage more water intake or ensuring that there are enough litter trays for all cats in your household to not compete over this resource.

As we’ve mentioned, idiopathic cystitis is a common trigger for FLUTD, and it has no obvious cause. It has been linked to stress, and conflicts with another pet or having little environmental enrichment.

What long-term management will look like for your cats can be pretty variable, and we know this can seem daunting, but your vet will be able to explain why these actions may be necessary.

Don’t hesitate to contact your vet if you’re struggling or if you are concerned that your cat might be suffering from urinary distress.

Would you like to know more about cats? Check our Feline Courses:


Protect your horses from strangles

Strangles is a highly infectious equine disease caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus equi equi that causes severe abscesses in the neck area, high fever and nasal discharges.

This illness can quickly spread throughout your herd, and proper sanitary measures are required to make sure that it is contained and handled safely to avoid infection, as well as making sure that there are no carrier animals to cause recurrent outbreaks.

Read on to get to know this important herd disease and how to best manage the risk of infection.

What signs should I look out for?

Strangles can present initially with a high fever after an incubation period of three to 14 days. As it progresses, you’re likely to notice:

  • Nasal discharge with pus;
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck area that can hinder eating and cause a lot of discomfort;
  • Lethargy and depression;
  • Head and neck extension to relieve discomfort.

Fortunately, most horses will recover in around six weeks without any further complications and mortality is low. Most fatal cases are due to abscesses spreading to several organs in the body, including the brain or because of a severe vascular problem called purpura haemorrhagica.

While this infection has a low mortality rate, it has a high infection rate, and 10% of horses will remain carriers without any symptoms. This means that they are likely to shed the bacteria periodically, reinfecting the rest of the herd.

How can I treat strangles in my yard?

Treatment for strangles is mainly supportive, and it involves providing the best conditions for the abscesses to mature and clear while reducing fever and discomfort.

Antibiotic use is reserved for particular situations, such as when the horse is not eating or can’t breathe very well. This is because antibiotics might slow down the maturation of abscesses and, therefore, hinder the healing process.

What about prevention?

A vaccine can aid in prevention in the case of at-risk horses, but it must be used in conjunction with the correct biosecurity protocols.

Preventing strangles from getting to your herd in the first place is the most important part. As it is highly contagious, it’s easily spread from horse to horse, and it can also be transmitted through the environment due to shared equipment.

When you discover one of your horses has been infected, it’s vital to take the proper steps to contain it. Your vet will guide you on what specific protocols to implement but in general, isolating the affected horse and closing down any movements of animals in your yard (even if they appear to be healthy) are two of the most critical steps.

As strangles causes major economic and organisational problems due to the need to isolate animals and restrict movements into and out of the yard, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian if you are concerned your horses may have been in contact with infected animals.


Strangles is an endemic disease in the UK and it requires active biosecurity and good husbandry to prevent outbreaks from spreading.

If you spot any of the signs mentioned before, contact your vet as soon as possible to avoid spreading this infection and reduce the risk of severe complications!

Would you like to know more about horses? Check our Equine Courses:


Socialisation and dogs

Did you know that there are over 3 million new pets in UK homes since the beginning of the Covid pandemic?

If you were one of the new pet owners, you might have struggled with proper socialisation. As we were spending more time at home and observing social distancing to help fight the spread of Coronavirus, some pets might not have had the chance to socialise with others.

However, socialisation is a crucial process in puppies’ development, allowing dogs to gain confidence and become comfortable in unexpected situations and interacting with unfamiliar people and animals.

Socialisation in puppies

Ideally, socialisation should begin between 3 and 14 weeks of age, which is when puppies are most responsive to learning from exposure to new experiences and environments.

If puppies are deprived of contact with other people, animals and new situations during this period, they may be at greater risk of developing behaviour issues, such as being fearful or aggressive, as adults.

However, puppies are not fully vaccinated during these first few weeks so it’s very important to ensure that their contact is limited to healthy dogs with up-to-date vaccines and a good temperament. Also, please avoid areas frequented by dogs of unknown vaccination status, such as public parks and other public spaces.

To get your dog to socialise safely during this period, you can ask your vet if they host puppy parties or arrange puppy play dates with your friends’ pets. These interactions should always be supervised to ensure that your dog has a positive experience.

But socialisation should not be limited to meeting and interacting with other pets! It is essential to offer your puppy an enriching environment that exposes them to different stimuli (noises and textures, for example), toys, and includes lots of playtime.

Another important part of socialisation is getting your dog used to being handled. This will help you (and your veterinarian) in the future if your dog needs topical treatments applied, such as ear medication for example, or when they go in for a vet check-up and need a physical examination.

Socialisation throughout life

As your puppy grows older, it’s important to continue to provide them with socialisation opportunities. Continued exposure to unfamiliar situations in controlled environments allows them to grow a tolerance to different social contexts.

And of course, when your dog is fully vaccinated, you can take them to dog parks, the beach, and organise other fun activities that strengthen your bond with your pet.


Remember, socialisation is not only essential for your dog’s well-being, but the whole family’s as well. For instance, it can be very stressful and dangerous to walk a dog that never learnt how to interact appropriately with other dogs.

And be mindful that if your dog is too fearful or aggressive, you should always seek help from a qualified professional.

Would you like to know more about dogs? Check our Canine Courses:

Top tips for indoor-only cats

The number of cats that are kept indoors permanently has boomed in recent years as more and more people live in apartments or because owners choose to keep them away from dangerous traffic and potential altercations with stray animals.

Fortunately, cats can be terrific indoor-only pets, and they take to their spaces very well. But there are specific needs that owners need to be aware of so that their cats can lead a fulfilled indoor life.

Read on for the best tips on keeping your indoor feline safe and happy!

Windows – the curious cat’s delight

It’s part of a cat’s nature to observe things from high places, and it’s normal for them to do this, but it puts them at significant risk of falling several stories if they live in an apartment and windows or balcony doors are kept open.

To avoid this, make sure you keep your windows and balcony doors closed if you are not around to supervise your pets. With a little more DIY work, you can install safety screens on windows and leave them open without risk of falls.

Keep vaccines and flea, tick and worm treatments up to date

It’s easy to think that indoor pets do not get diseases or parasites, but unfortunately, you can still find yourself facing a flea infestation or a cat with an infectious disease even though he or she never set a paw outside.

Fleas and ticks will easily jump on people or other pets that go for walks and return to the house. The same happens with infectious diseases, especially if you take your cat to the groomer or boarding kennels.

The best way to handle this is to prevent them! Ensure your cats have all the needed vaccines and boosters and regular parasite treatment to avoid nasty surprises.

Have good enrichment to stave off boredom or stress

Without the stimulation from roaming around (and getting into trouble!), your cat might experience boredom which can lead to stress and, eventually, lowered quality of life and even poor health.

Here are some ways to make your house into a cat-friendly home:

  • Make sure you keep an adequate number of bowls and litterboxes for all of your cats;
  • Have varied toys and playing locations, and make an effort to position them in high places that your cat can perch on;
  • Provide them with vertical territory. If you’re unable to modify your house or apartment, there are plenty of rental friendly towers and toys that won’t require screws or nails;
  • Take the time to play with your furry friend consistently and to interact with them.

Pets who are bored and stressed might be destructive or aggressive, and environmental enrichment goes a long way to prevent these problems.

If you’re not sure what to do to keep your home cat safe and happy, don’t hesitate to talk to your vet about your concerns!


Would you like to know more about cats? Check our Feline Courses:


Can my horse have Equine Herpes Virus?

Dangerous airborne viruses that can cause respiratory and neurological diseases are not just for humans. Equine herpes virus (EHV-1 and EHV-4) is a virus that has a worldwide distribution and is highly contagious, which means that your horses are at risk of being affected, especially if they travel extensively.

Keep reading to learn more about how to keep your horses healthy.


There are five different variants of EHV, but EHV-1 and EHV-4 are the most common and clinically significant variants. They might cause respiratory, neurological or reproductive signs.


  • Fever;
  • Coughing;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Runny nose.


  • Uncoordinated walking;
  • Loss of bladder function and skin;
  • Paralysis of the limbs ranging from mild to total walking and standing incapacity.


  • Sudden abortion occurring 2 to 12 weeks after infection;
  • Several mares may abort at the same time;
  • Newborn foals may die soon after birth.

Many animals are also asymptomatic, and they can carry the disease for years and years, shedding the virus intermittently when they are subjected to stressful situations such as during travel or when changing stables.

EHV usually only causes mild respiratory signs, and most animals are expected to recover without issue. However, when there is neurological involvement, these cases might be fatal or require euthanasia due to welfare concerns as animals can be permanently paralysed.


There is no specific treatment for EHV, meaning there are only supportive therapy options if your horse gets sick. Preventing your horses from becoming infected is the best way to avoid any issues, especially in young animals or pregnant mares who are the most susceptible to problems.

Vaccination is the best way to prevent EHV, but it is just a part of a sturdy prevention program against this disease. Good biosecurity and hygiene protocols are also crucial to avoid infection as the vaccine is highly effective, yet it doesn’t confer total protection.

Biosecurity protocols often include thorough disinfection of stables, equipment and vehicles where horses have been transported.

Pregnant mares should also be kept separate from the rest of the herd and in small groups of other animals with similar due dates. If you notice one of your mares has aborted, mention it to your vet at once and handle aborted tissues carefully as they can contain high quantities of EHV.

Each situation is unique and the protocols you will need to implement can vary significantly over time so make sure to always discuss any concerns you might have with your veterinarian and keep vaccinations up to date as well as observe all recommended biosecurity measures.

Would you like to know more about horses? Check our Equine Courses:


Healthy skin during spring

With the end of winter fast approaching, this is the perfect opportunity to plan some fun outdoor activities for spring!

Around this time of the year, you’re also likely to see more dog hair around the house as your dogs shed their warm winter coat, so we’ve put together our top three tips to make sure that your dog’s coat and skin are healthy this coming season.


#1: Grooming and bathing

Though grooming is an important step in your dog’s hygiene routine all year round, it becomes particularly important during springtime.

As it removes dead hair from your dog’s coat, grooming also helps prevent skin problems from occurring due to lack of skin aeration and accumulation of dead hair, cells, dirt and even moisture.

A periodic grooming routine will also allow you to detect any skin problems at an early stage, making them easier to treat.

As for bathing, it can also be useful in promoting a healthy coat and skin in dogs. But you might be wondering how often you should give your dog a bath as the weather starts to get warmer.

The truth is, this varies immensely depending on your dog’s type of coat, lifestyle, and even health, as some skin conditions require medicated baths.

If at any moment you’re unsure of what to do, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice, be it from a certified groomer or your vet team.


#2: Parasite protection

With the weather getting warmer, parasite activity gradually increases, including external parasites, such as fleas and ticks, but worms and other internal parasites as well.

Though we are (unfortunately) used to dealing with these pesky creatures, it’s important to keep in mind that parasites can have a significant impact on our pets’ overall health.

Mosquitoes can transmit serious diseases such as leishmaniasis and ticks Lyme disease, for example, and other external parasites can cause severe cutaneous problems.

Take flea allergy dermatitis, for example. A single flea bite can lead to a disproportionate skin reaction, in which your dog will be so itchy that they can scratch, nibble and bite until the point of breaking the skin. And this is just with one flea bite!

If you’re not sure that your dog’s parasite treatments are up-to-date, our advice would be to give your vets a ring to check that they are protected.


#3: Heath check

For those of you who sneeze uncontrollably and have a stuffy nose for most of the spring, you’re well aware of how uncomfortable and aggravating springtime allergies can be!

But did you know that spring allergens can be as bothersome to your pets as they are to you?

The thing is, instead of having a runny nose and congested upper airways, seasonal allergies usually manifest as itchy skin and skin lesions due to pets scratching and trying to find relief.

If you notice that your dog’s skin looks red (particularly inside their ears), that they seem to be scratching a lot and rubbing their body against different types of surfaces or even people, or if you notice any skin lesions, book an appointment with your vet to figure out why they are so itchy.


We hope you have wonderful and safe adventures with your pets this spring!