Category Archives: Dogs

Ringworm in dogs

How much do you know about ringworm in dogs? This infectious skin disease is also called dermatophytosis, and it isn’t actually caused by a worm but by a fungus that our pets can easily pick up and bring home!

While it is not often a life-threatening problem, in some circumstances, it can be challenging to get rid of due to high rates of environmental reinfection or if the treatment protocol isn’t correctly applied. It can also go on to infect humans, especially family members with reduced immunity, such as older people, those suffering from chronic illnesses or pregnant women.

Keep reading to find out more about dermatophytosis and how to avoid this nasty problem in your dogs!

Is it easy for my dog to get ringworm?

Dermatophytes are a group of fungi species that grow on the skin, nails and hair of pets and humans. They can resist in the environment for a long time in the form of spores, waiting for someone susceptible to pick them up.

Your dog can get infected by contacting these spores or the fungus directly, such as from another infected animal or by touching contaminated objects like bowls or bedding. The good news is that not every time he or she runs into ringworm will result in an infection, as these fungi often need broken skin (from a wound or after clipping hair, for instance), lowered immunity (like elderly, very young or sick pets) or a high contamination.

When infection occurs, you might spot the following signs:

  • Several circular areas of hair loss that might get bigger over time:
  • Rough or brittle nails;
  • You might also see scabs, reddened skin or other signs of infection in the hairless patches.

If you see any of these, contact your vet, as ringworm is readily transmissible to other pets and people! This is particularly relevant if you have young children, elderly family members or someone suffering from an illness that impacts their immunity in your house.

I think my dog might be at risk, what can I do?

Pets who are the most at risk include young dogs, pets who are sick or under significant stress or those who have come from overcrowded homes.

While ringworm can go away on its own, it might take a long time, and your dog or your family will be at serious risk of infection or reinfection as this fungus can remain active in the environment for up to 18 months.

The best way to avoid problems is to keep an eye on your dog’s hair, skin and nails and contact your vet if you see any of the above-mentioned signs. They will take all the appropriate samples make a diagnosis of fungal infection and prescribe the correct treatment.

Is ringworm treatable?

Most of the time, ringworm will not be complicated to treat, but it’s vital that you follow your vet’s exact recommendations and do not stop treatment halfway unless you’ve explicitly been told to do so!

There are several effective treatment options, including oral treatments that are often combined with topical anti-fungal formulations like shampoos or ointments. Depending on your dog’s case, your vet will prescribe the best medication to handle the infection as quickly as possible.

During this time, it’s also essential that you restrict your infected pets to the least number of rooms possible to avoid cross-contamination and make sure that you clean everything thoroughly.

In case you suspect you or a family member might have ringworm due to a recent infection in one of your pets, contact your GP without delay!

Would you like to know more about dogs? Check our Canine Courses:

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Summer safety – Common hazards for pets

Summer is here, and it usually means it is time to take a break, relax and enjoy the weather!

If you often include your pets in your summer plans, keep reading our blog to make sure that they are kept safe and protected against common hazards.



Heatstroke had to be first on our list as it is not as uncommon as one would wish and can be fatal in a matter of minutes.

Heatstroke happens due to our pets’ inability to deal with excessive heat.

When the temperature rises, dogs dissipate heat mainly through panting, and this is often not enough to help them cool down. This is why it is so important not to expose them to hot temperatures for too long, as they will not physically be able to cool down effectively. And when we say hot temperatures, 20ºC may be enough, depending on other factors and conditions!

Common signs of heatstroke include:

  • Excessive panting and difficulty breathing
  • Excessive salivation and vomiting
  • Looking lethargic or collapsing

If you recognise any of these, contact your vets immediately, as your pet will need medical assistance. Make sure to move them to a shaded, cool area, pour water over them to help bring their temperature down, use towels soaked in cold water and follow any other instructions that your vet might give you.

This means that preventing heatstroke is key, especially during summer. Here are some ways you can do it:

  • Do not leave your pets unattended in hot, poorly aired spaces, such as parked cars and conservatories
  • Throughout the day, make sure that your pets have access to and are drinking water
  • Avoid taking your pets out during the hottest hours of the day
  • Be mindful of pets who are more prone to suffer from heatstroke, such as flat-faced breeds, thick-coated pets, and those who suffer from medical conditions

When in doubt, it is always best to be safe than sorry, so do not hesitate to ask for help, even if it is just for reassurance.


Insect stings and parasites

Are your pet’s parasite treatments up-to-date? Now is the perfect time to check!

Parasite activity spikes with the warm weather, so making sure your pets are protected can avoid a number of health issues!

Diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal problems are frequently associated with intestinal parasites, especially in young animals. As for external parasites, such as fleas and ticks, these can lead to a range of skin conditions or even transmit serious diseases that can be life-threatening to your pets.

When it comes to canine products, some spot-on formulations have an insect-repellent component that can help prevent mosquito bites.

This becomes particularly important if you are travelling abroad as mosquitos are known to transmit heart worms, and sandflies leishmaniasis, diseases that we do not usually see in the UK, both of which can make your pet very ill. For more information about taking your pets abroad on holiday, read this blog.

Bee and wasp stings can also be problematic, especially for curious, playful pets. These can lead to localised allergic reactions with painful swelling and potentially breathing difficulties if the nose and mouth are affected. Keep your eyes peeled for nests, and if you find them, we recommend keeping your dog on a lead to avoid accidents.


Outdoor activities

Outdoor activities are incredibly fun for pets and owners alike!

In one of our latest blogs, we have covered a range of tips for a safe swim, so today, we’ll be focusing on summer walks and barbeques.


Summer walks

As we have mentioned above, we always need to be mindful of heatstroke when planning a summer walk with our dogs and make sure that we avoid the hottest time of the day. Before dusk or after dawn are ideal times for dog walking, both for heat comfort and reduced UV exposure.

As in people, excessive sun radiation can lead to sunburn in pets, especially those of a light colour and fair hair. Consider applying pet-safe sunscreen to sensitive areas before heading out to avoid these problems.

If you are planning a walk in the countryside, to enjoy a beautiful rural landscape, be mindful of resident sheep. Sheep worrying can be a very serious issue so if you are unsure keep your dog on a lead whilst sheep are nearby.

But if you would rather head out to heathlands, moorlands, or even sea cliffs, we recommend keeping your eyes peeled for adders. Though adders are not aggressive by nature, they may bite if they feel threatened, which may happen if your pet happens to walk too close to them. As adders are venomous, veterinary assistance should be sought immediately, so make sure you have the contact of the nearest vet at hand, just in case.




How better to end a summer evening than with a lovely gathering of family and friends by the grill?

We know you do not want your pets to feel left out; after all, they are part of the family too!

But if you wish to include them, our number one advice would be not to share your food. Make sure you have appropriate treats that they can eat safely, as our food is often too fatty for our pets and can lead to gastrointestinal problems.

However, just because we know better, it does not mean that they do too. If your pet is a known food thief, make sure that they do not have access to unattended food or the rubbish bin. These foods can be very harmful if inadvertently ingested, as fruit stones can lead to choking and meat skewers may cause bowel perforations. Make sure that left over corn on the cobs are not accessible as these can cause serious bowel obstructions if eaten. You can never be too careful!


Now that you have all this information available, we hope that you can relax and enjoy a safe summer with your pets!

If you have any concerns, do not delay in seeking professional help.

Do you take your dogs swimming? All you need to know for a safe swim

Summer is just around the corner! The time for those perfect days spent outside is almost here, but are you ready to tackle everything that the good weather has to offer?

Taking your dogs out with you to places with tempting water, like the river, beach, lake, or even a small pond, is a popular pet outing, but it’s essential to be adequately prepared. Even the strongest doggy swimmers can suddenly find themselves in trouble!

Keep reading to find out how to make these summer days safe and relaxed.

Does your dog like to swim?

Swimming is an excellent exercise for dogs as it is an exciting low-impact option that mentally and physically stimulates your pooch.

Some dog breeds are tailor-made for swimming, while others aren’t keen on doing much more than dipping their paws in the shallow water. But even if your furry friend has all the physical characteristics of a great swimmer, they might not like going into the water at all!

Always respect your dog’s comfort levels, and don’t insist on doing things he or she might not want to do, as it can cause a lot of distress.

However, it’s possible to acclimatise your dog to being in the water and even get them to like swimming. The best way to do this is to start slowly with toys and treats and get in the water with him or her. As he or she grows more confident, you can encourage going to a deeper water level but take caution to always support your dog when he or she is starting out and, as you progress, make sure that they won’t drift away.

Do you have any pet-friendly swimming places near you?

Depending on where you live, finding a good place to swim might take some digging! Only some places are safe or legal for your dog to swim in, so do all the proper research before you load up your family in the car.

Regardless of where you take your dogs out for a swim, never leave them unattended and keep them close by or on a waterproof leash so you can act quickly if necessary.

Doggy pools or pet hydrotherapy centres:

If you’re looking for the safest experience possible, a doggy pool or a hydrotherapy centre for pets can be your best bet.

These places have specially designed pools that are easy for dogs to use and have appropriately trained staff to help you and your dog make the most out of this experience. To access these, you have to pay a fee, and you’re likely required to book a slot ahead of time so everything can be ready for when you arrive.

Lakes or ponds:

Lakes, ponds and slow-running rivers can be great swimming experiences for your dogs as the water is often less dangerous and has fewer chances of hidden debris.

Nevertheless, always check the location and weather before letting your dog jump in and keep an eye out for any warning signage at the site, such as blue-green algae blooms or dangerous currents.

If these places have a designated swimming area, stay on them to avoid disturbing other people or the local biodiversity.

Open sea:

Going to a pet-friendly beach can be one of the most fantastic summer adventures that we can have with our dogs but don’t forget that the sea or the ocean can be unpredictable!

Strong currents, large waves, hidden rocks and people with boats or jet skis can turn a great day into a rush to the vet, so do think about safety before letting your dogs go into the water. As the water conditions can change quickly, always pay close attention to what is happening around you.

Make sure safety is a priority

Swimming is a great exercise, but it’s easy for accidents to happen if you are not prepared. Knowing what might go wrong and preparing ahead are the best ways to ensure everyone has a great time.

Here are some of the most important things to keep in mind:

  • Drowning can happen quickly and silently, so keep your dogs under close watch no matter what and consider fitting them with a life vest; 
  • If your dog falls into a dangerous current, do not jump in after him or her, as this might put both you and your dog in danger. Instead, call 999 and get the proper help. 
  • Have a fully stocked first-aid kit and the contact details of your regular vet or the vet closest to where you are.

Prepare for the summer holidays with your pets

Whether you have plans to travel with your pets this summer or you are planning on going somewhere without them, it’s best to start preparing now!

Arranging the needed documents, finding pet-friendly places to stay or trying to get a reputable boarding kennel or a pet sitter so that you can be away without any concerns can take a lot of time and energy.

Keep reading to get to know everything that you will need to do before your holidays.

Taking your pet with you on vacations abroad

Imagine being able to share every second of your awesome vacations aboard with your furry best friend. More and more owners are choosing to take their pets with them not just on their domestic vacations but also on trips to foreign countries.

However, this can be a long process! Brexit introduced many new rules and requirements for pets going abroad, including health certificates and vaccines that must be done at least several weeks in advance.

Travelling to the European Union or Northern Ireland:

The requirements are:

  • Your pet must be microchipped;
  • Your pet must have a valid rabies vaccination, and this only counts as valid 21 days after the vaccine if he or she is being vaccinated for the first time;
  • An animal health certificate that an official veterinarian has approved, and this certificate is valid for 10 days for entry into your destination country in the EU or Northern Ireland;
  • If you have a dog and are travelling to Finland, Ireland, Malta, Northern Ireland or Norway, you will also need a tapeworm treatment.

If this seems too complicated, don’t worry! Your vet can help you every step of the way and answer any questions that you might have.

Travelling elsewhere in the world:

For travel to any non-EU countries, you will need to get an export health certificate for the country or countries that you are planning to visit.

This is a more involved process than travelling to the EU, so it’s probably best to talk to your vet well in advance of your visit so that they can ensure that you have all of the required paperwork and certificates that you need for your trip.

Finding the perfect boarding kennel or pet sitter

Travelling with pets is not for everyone, and when you’re going on a lovely, well-deserved holiday, you want to make sure that your pets will be in the best care possible while you are away from home.

Choosing whether your pet will spend some time at a boarding kennel, day-care centre, or with a pet sitter is usually down to your pet’s needs and preferences.

Day-cares and pet sitters generally allow for more individualised attention, so if your furry friend prefers to be alone or have his or her routines altered as little as possible, this might be the option for both you and your pet.

Choosing the right provider, however, will usually require researching and booking well in advance. The best pet services are often fully booked for the summer season, so this is definitely not something that you want to do at the last minute!

Keep in mind that a reputable kennel or sitter will:

  • Be appropriately licensed as well as insured, and will be glad to show you proof of this;
  • Be happy to answer any questions about their premises, qualifications such as pet first aid training and what they can accommodate, which is especially important if your pet has special health needs;
  • Be clear about how they will contact you in case of an emergency plus take your pet’s insurance and vet details;
  • Have independent reviews online and referrals from other people.

One of the best places to start your search is with your vet, as they are likely to know local places or people who can be trusted to give your pets a nice holiday as well.


If you’re going on vacations with or without your pets, don’t forget to make all the necessary arrangements well ahead of time! This will save you a lot of headaches, having to solve difficult issues and stressing over whether your pet will be taken care of properly.

Senior Dog Care

Did you know your dog’s healthcare and other needs will change as he or she ages? A senior pet might need some changes around the house, specific food or even more frequent veterinary care.

All of these are part of the natural process of growing old, and meeting these needs is very important for their quality of life.

Make sure you have everything that you need to tackle your dog’s golden years and learn all about this amazing life stage.

Health and veterinary care

When people get older, going to the doctor becomes more frequent because there are a lot of health issues that are more common in older people.

The same is true for our dogs, as issues like osteoarthritis, heart disease or cancer become more of a concern as the years go by. Fortunately, most of these problems can be managed to keep your furry friend comfortable and improve their quality of life.

Early detection is vital, which is why your vet is likely to recommend specific tests during your dog’s senior years or ask you to come in to the practice with your pet twice a year instead of just once.

Receiving a diagnosis that something is wrong is understandably distressing, especially for severe diseases like kidney and heart disease, diabetes or even cancer. At first, trying to figure out how you’ll manage this can be overwhelming, but your vet can help you find the best treatment options and support you during this trying time.

Changes in their lifestyle

Even perfectly healthy senior dogs have different needs than younger dogs. In particular, regarding their meals, exercise needs or socialisation.

We consider dogs to be seniors at around age 7, a little earlier for large or giant breeds and a little later for smaller breeds. When your dogs hit this stage of their lives, some changes inevitably happen, such as potentially losing some of their capacity to see, hear or smell, and their joints might be suffering from wear and tear.

With these things in mind, you should keep an eye out for problems like eating less or struggling to move. Behavioural changes are also a concern now, as you might find your dog is more easily startled, anxious or even more aggressive.

Loss of senses like eyesight, hearing or even cognitive abilities is very distressing and might make him or her change their behaviour. Pain and discomfort can also play a huge part in this, as these pets often don’t wish to be touched or bothered as often due to these factors.

Some things you can try include:

  • Changing to food that’s specifically made for seniors and finding the things your pet loves the most for them to eat, as loss of smell can make ingesting enough calories and nutrients difficult;
  • Modifying their exercise routines, for instance, with shorter walks or with more time to rest and consider introducing more lower-impact play with toys to keep them moving but not in a way that causes discomfort;
  • If you notice that they can’t see or hear you very well, approach them gently and give them plenty of time to realise that you are there so you won’t startle them;
  • Talking to your vet about your concerns to determine if a disease might be causing these signs and to help you manage your dog’s pain.

As your dog’s needs evolve, it’s best to keep a keen eye on how things are going and adjust your home and routines to meet these new needs.


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Can dogs have allergies?

Have you ever considered that your dog might be suffering from allergies? If you’ve ever noticed he or she starts scratching and itching more at certain times of the year, it could be due to a sensitivity to certain things such as pollens or flea bites. In this case, it’s essential to seek medical help as this can be a very distressing situation.

Read our blog post to better understand allergies and how you can help your furry friend feel better.

What are allergies?

An allergic reaction is an exaggerated immune response to something that is harmless, such as pollens, certain foods, medications or insect saliva.

Dogs have many types of allergies, but the most common ones are food allergies, flea allergy dermatitis and atopic dermatitis, which is caused by airborne allergens.

These often show up as skin problems. For instance, red, itchy skin that doesn’t seem to go away and is causing a lot of distress to your furry friend might be due to an allergic problem.

As many owners know, diagnosing and treating these issues can be complicated. Vets might not be able to pinpoint precisely what your pet is allergic to, but there are many tests they can do to narrow it down and then formulate the proper treatment to manage the signs successfully.

Is it possible for my dog to have allergies in the spring?

Many people suffer from the dreaded hay fever, a sensitivity to the many pollens that are floating around during spring, and it can make this season quite tricky. Our dogs can also suffer from this, but, as we have mentioned, it will most likely show itself as an itchy skin rather than sneezing or runny eyes.

Another common allergy that might flare up during the warmer weather is flea allergy dermatitis, as fleas are much more abundant in the spring and summer. For susceptible animals, even just one bite is enough to trigger intense itching and discomfort.

To help make sure that your dog is not exposed to potential allergens, it’s vital that you keep his or her flea treatment up to date, especially as the weather improves!

Can allergies be dangerous?

Unfortunately, some allergic reactions can be severe and even lethal if not treated promptly.

Dogs can have what is called an anaphylactic reaction, which is a very severe, acute response to an allergen. Although it is rare, it most often occurs following a bee or wasp sting, or when your pet is given a new vaccine or medication.

It generally happens minutes after exposure, and you may spot:

  • Sudden vomiting and diarrhoea;
  • Excessive drooling;
  • Hives and swelling of the face;
  • Difficulty breathing due to swelling of the throat or mouth.

This is an emergency situation! If you notice these signs, do not delay and call your vet immediately so they can assess your pet and ensure that he or she is properly treated.

In summary:

  • Dogs can have spring allergies, and they will most likely reveal themselves as an itchy skin;
  • Diagnosing and treating allergies can be challenging, but your vet can help you find the best solutions;
  • Whilst rare, anaphylactic reactions are generally life-threatening, and you need to call your vet if you think that your dog may be having one!

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Christmas and pets

Christmas and pets

For most of us, Christmas is a magical season, full of wonder and opportunities to reunite and spend time with those we love the most.

But when it comes to our pets, things can rapidly turn sour if we’re not careful so please do take some precautions!

Read our blog post to learn more about avoiding Christmas accidents and keeping your pets safe and stress-free during this season.

Toxic food and plants

How can something so delicious be harmful to our pets?

When it comes to seasonal delicacies, sharing is not caring. Chocolate, raisins, sultanas, onion, garlic, alcohol, and xylitol, to name a few, can be toxic to our pets, so make sure to keep traditional foods to yourself.

Some seasonal plants, such as holly, ivy, mistletoe, poinsettia and lilies, are also potentially dangerous if ingested, so keep these out of your pets’ reach!

Dangerous decorations

Presents, tinsel, ribbons, baubles, fairy lights, even the Christmas tree itself… The possibilities for mischief are endless during the holiday season!

If your pet’s curiosity is sparking, ensure that they don’t have access to decorated areas, because if inadvertently swallowed, Christmas ornaments can lead to choking, gastrointestinal obstruction or worse, perforation of the bowel.

Altered routines

Pets are creatures of habit and are likely to benefit from having set routines regarding feeding, going out, playing and sleeping.

If the timing of any of these elements is disrupted, it can lead to stress and even behaviour issues that we don’t want to occur.

Try to keep your pets’ routine unchanged even as the holiday season gets more stressful and if any accident happens, avoid scolding them, as this can aggravate the situation.

Pets as presents

Lastly, we’d like to raise awareness of the issues regarding offering pets as a gift to children or friends.

Though a wonderful experience, pet ownership is a long-term commitment of both time and resources and is not a decision that can be taken lightly.

Before you consider adopting a pet for your family or offering one to someone else, make sure you research and are able to sustain this commitment.

Nobody wants to spend the holidays at the vet, so don’t forget to keep a close eye on your pets during this season and ensure that they have a lovely time with the Christmas festivities!

Keep medications away from dogs


Keep medications away from dogs

If your dog suddenly seems unwell, it can be tempting to give them medicine you have at home, but many of the most common medications humans use are toxic to our furry friends.

These include acetaminophen (Paracetamol), common anti-depressants and sleeping pills, among many others and they can cause gastrointestinal effects (such as vomiting and diarrhoea), neurological effects (such as seizures) or even kidney and liver failure.

This is why human medications should never be given to dogs and should always be out of reach to ensure they aren’t accidentally swallowed.


How to prevent dogs from accidentally ingesting medications

Here are some tips on how to keep your dogs safe from accidentally ingesting medications:

  • Always keep both human and veterinary medications in a place where your pets can’t access, such as a closed cabinet or drawer. If your dog is persistent, you might need to lock that cabinet;


  • If you drop a pill on the floor, immediately pick it up;


  • Don’t leave pills unattended on tables or nightstands;


  • Keep human medications separate from pet medications to prevent them from getting mixed up;


  • Always keep medications in their original box;


  • Pay attention to storage instructions and expiration dates – some medications might need to be stored in the fridge, for example. Don’t give your dog expired medications;


  • Don’t let pets have contact with medication patches, such as a nicotine patch;


  • Don’t let pets lick skin where a topical medication has just been applied;


  • Don’t throw medications in the garbage, especially if you have a curious dog that has a tendency to sniff around the trash.


What to do if your dog accidentally ingests medications

If your dog ingests a medication that wasn’t prescribed for them, contact your veterinarian immediately, and let them know what medications your pet has eaten and how much. You can also contact the Animal poison line  (

If your vet isn’t available for any reason, it’s best to take your pet to the nearest emergency vet. Time is of the essence, and the sooner your pet is assessed, the better.

Ultimately, you should never give dogs human or veterinary medications without consulting your veterinarian. Not only are certain human medications toxic to pets, but even for the ones that are safe, administering the correct dosage is essential to prevent problems for your dog or cat.

Even medications meant for pets might only be safe for a specific species. For example, certain flea medications commonly used for dogs are highly toxic to cats. Be sure to follow your vet’s instructions carefully when giving your pet any medication.

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Taking your dogs for a swim

Taking your dog with you on outdoor adventures is nothing new! As more beaches, lakes and even pools become pet-friendly, there is a big chance you will be out in places where your dog could go for a swim. 

However, deep water, especially unpredictable water with currents or hidden dangers, is not to be underestimated! Dogs are naturally curious animals and are often not used to being out in these situations, a combination that can spell disaster. 

Keep reading to find out how to ensure your furry friend has the perfect swimming day. 

Can my dog naturally swim? 

While many people think dogs can swim, the truth is, this is quite variable! Many breeds were indeed selected to be peerless swimmers, but this does not guarantee that your dog, (even if from a working water breed such as Labrador Retriever or Poodle), will know how to swim or even if he or she wants to go into the water. 

Nevertheless, you can teach a dog to love swimming and increase his or her confidence in the water. 

It is best to take things slowly and, most importantly, never to force your pets to be in a situation that might cause them distress, such as dragging them into the water or throwing them beyond their depth. 

Another vital part of your dog’s swim journey is a well-fitting life jacket, especially if you are out on a boat and there’s a risk of falling overboard into dangerous currents. This buoyancy aid not only dramatically increases your pet’s confidence and comfort but can also save his or her life in case of an accident. 

If you are unsure how to teach your furry best friend how to swim or are struggling with getting results, consult a professional trainer. 

My dog is used to the water, so can I leave him or her unattended? 

You should avoid leaving your dog unattended around bodies of water, even if your dog is an excellent swimmer outfitted with a lifejacket, or even if he or she is in a place that they are used to going. 

It’s best to err on the side of caution in these cases, as there are many dangers lurking around these areas that can quickly turn the situation sour. Drowning can happen quickly and silently, so always make sure your dogs are not unattended or without a leash. 

If your pet leaves your sight and he or she returns to you listless, with an injury or vomiting, don’t hesitate to call your vet for help. 

What else should I consider when going swimming with my dog? 

Now that you’re all set for the perfect day with your dog, don’t forget to check the water conditions when you arrive. If you’re out on the lake, ensure that there are no blue-green algae blooms and that the water is safe to swim in. Watch out for strong currents or nasty waves when going to the beach. 

Sunburns and heat stroke are also a concern, so make sure your dog has sunscreen on, permanent access to shady, cool areas and plenty of fresh water.  

And, of course, no adventure is complete without a handy first aid kit! Here are some of the best things to carry with you: 

  • Bandages and surgical sticky tape; 
  • Cotton wool and sterile gauze; 
  • Scissors and tweezers; 
  • A comfortable and thick towel; 
  • Thermometer; 

This should cover many of the accidents that can cause injuries, hypothermia or even catching stray ticks.  

Why don’t you check out our video on canine first aid which covers first aid kits in detail.

In addition, remember always to keep your vet’s number and address with you so you can quickly call for help! 

Would you like to know more about dogs? Check our Canine Courses:

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Protect your dog from the sun

As the sunny days of high summer are getting closer, we would like to take some time to talk about the damage the sun can do to our dogs.

Sunburn and skin cancer are just as significant in our pets as in people! Even if you and your dogs aren’t often out on lengthy outdoors adventures, it’s vital to protect them during sunny days, even if just from the light coming in through the windows.

Keep reading to find out more about avoiding sun-related skin problems this summer.

Can dogs get sunburnt?

The answer is absolutely yes! The sun affects our pets’ skin and can cause burns of varying severity. These are quite bothersome and, in some cases, can be extensive enough to need a trip to the vet.

Dogs love to be outside for long periods or nap in sunny places, putting them at risk of getting burnt. It’s important to remember that they won’t necessarily move away from the sun before they are burnt, so you need to make sure that they do.

Red, tender and flaky skin are sure signs that your pet has a burn! Smaller burns can usually be treated at home with the proper ointments, but more extensive or severe burns require appropriate veterinary treatment.

What are the risks of skin cancer in pets?

Not only is the sun responsible for burns and other skin problems, it can also put your pet at risk of developing severe diseases like skin cancer (malignant melanomas, squamous cell carcinomas or mast cell tumours).

While there are many factors involved in the development of skin cancer, we know that UV damage from the sun plays a part, and too much exposure to this harmful radiation will definitely increase the risk of your dog developing cancer.

These types of cancer can be highly damaging and difficult to treat! The sooner they are spotted, the better the chances of treating them successfully, so always keep a keen eye on your dog’s skin.

If you spot areas with colours that weren’t there before (darker, lighter or red coloured skin), or you see bumps and/or ulcers developing for no reason, do not hesitate to contact your vet.

How can I prevent harm from UV rays?

The best way to reduce the risk of sunburns and skin cancers induced by harmful rays is to limit sun exposure and take the proper measures to avoid putting your dogs in a situation where they can’t escape being out in direct sunlight.

Here are some of the main ways to avoid sun damage:

  • Choose the best sunscreen for your dog – There are plenty of sunscreens out there but it’s important to choose one without zinc oxide or aminobenzoic acid as they are toxic if ingested. Consider one that is also waterproof and unscented if your pooch loves a good swim.
  • Protect your dogs while out on walks or hikes – If you’re fond of outdoor adventures, you might also want to consider protective clothing that’s made to be cool enough for a hot day but also protecting from the hot sun. This way you only need to apply sunscreen to the exposed areas.
  • Keep their home safe from overexposure to the sun – Make sure that your dog has the chance to be out of the sun in case he or she wants to, for instance, with shaded spots out in the garden or with permanent access indoors. If you notice that they have been out for too long, call them in before they suffer a burn.

Even with all of these precautions, it’s important that you avoid the hottest hours of the day to be outside. Not only are the UV rays at their most dangerous, but excessive heat can harm their sensitive paws and might cause heatstroke!


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