Category Archives: Dogs

Poison Prevention Awareness Month!

This time of year is glorious; buds are beginning to appear on trees, the odd crocus is starting to pop up from the ground, and the sun is beginning to show its face more. The days are longer, and everything is starting to feel a bit lighter after the darkness of the winter months.

It is also the time of year when we can start exploring again and venturing off the well-trodden track of our winter dog walks. But with new adventures can come new risks, and with that in mind, we announce that March is Poison Prevention Month.

Read on to identify some of the most common poisons you may encounter during this spring period.


Daffodils and hyacinths are among the most common. If ingested, they can lead to vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy, with some severe cases causing seizures.


Some spring plants can be toxic to our pets. Foxgloves, for example, contain naturally occurring poisons that can affect the heart. Ivy can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and sometimes blood in faeces or vomit. Bluebells are also toxic to dogs, causing vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal discomfort. If enough of the toxin has been ingested, it can also increase the risk of developing an irregular heartbeat.


Mushrooms are more common in autumn, but the occasionally damp and dreary day can also be the perfect breeding ground for these fungi. The consequences of ingesting them can include vomiting and diarrhoea along with possible neurological symptoms.


As the pollen count increases, humans may be taking more antihistamines themselves due to the time of year. If your dog were to eat them, it could lead to vomiting and lethargy, make them wobbly or even cause tremors.


Applicable to any time of the year, but particularly around holidays such as Easter, Chocolate is incredibly toxic to dogs. Theobromine contained within the chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, restlessness, hyperactivity, increased heart rate and even seizures.


This type of poisoning is becoming more common. Signs include disorientation, dilated pupils, agitation, and vomiting. Your veterinary surgeon will only ever want the best thing for your pet, so please tell them if you suspect this might be the cause of your pet’s illness.

Rat poison

This can be via eating a rat that has been poisoned or consuming the poison directly. It can cause a potentially fatal haemorrhage as well as prevent the body from being able to clot properly.

Adder bites

The European Adder is the only venomous snake native to the UK, commonly found on dry heaths, sand dunes, rocky hillsides and woodland edges. If bitten, your dog can develop bruising, vomiting, diarrhoea and an inability to clot its blood. In severe cases, it can also lead to seizures, tissue death, and kidney failure.

What can you do to help?

This is not an exhaustive list, and we would strongly encourage you to contact your veterinarian for advice as soon as possible if you suspect your pet has ingested anything potentially poisonous. It is always beneficial for your vet if you can get as much information about the ingested item as possible.

  • The name of what’s been eaten
  • The packaging (where possible)
  • The amount ingested
  • When it was eaten.

Your veterinarian will have access to the Veterinary Poisons Information Service, allowing them to call to discuss what was ingested and when. The service holds a national database about which medicines or antidotes to use. This information can help your vet decide the best way to treat your pet.

In Summary:

  • Be mindful of where your dog is if you are out on a walk and make sure that you can easily recall if they are off lead;
  • If they eat anything you are concerned about, please call your veterinarian immediately.

Start 2025 with your pets in the best way!

With 2025 in full swing, it’s time to consider your pet’s preventative health! There are many things, like vaccines, flea and tick treatments or dewormers, that can help keep your furry friends in excellent health.

Routine appointments are also a cornerstone of preventative care, as they allow your vet to check for any problems that might be affecting your pet’s quality of life and start treating them as soon as possible.

Learn more about the essential preventative health needs of your pets below!

What will a vet check at a routine appointment?

Just like in human medicine, routine veterinary appointments are an excellent opportunity for you to discuss your concerns with your vet and for them to give your pet a thorough physical examination.

Here are some of the things your vet might do:

  • Go over any long-standing problems and also any issues you might have spotted since your last visit;
  • Weigh your pet and observe their body condition for anything concerning;
  • Examine how they walk and how they stand;
  • Perform a complete physical examination and check for any early signs of disease
  •  Keep a close eye on any possible painful responses, and then try to locate the source of any pain;
  • Listen to the heart and lungs, plus measure breathing and heart rate;
  • Ask questions about your pet’s health and how he or she has been at home.

In case something is wrong or needs to be examined further, your vet may want to carry out additional tests and, if appropriate, prescribe medication to treat any issues.

How regularly should your pet pay a visit to the vet? Most pets are recommended annual visits, but this can change depending on their age and health conditions! Ask your vet about the right frequency for your furry friend.

I’m not sure if my pet has their vaccines up to date, what should I do?

The best thing to do if you’re unsure about your pet’s vaccines is to call your vet and schedule an appointment for him or her.

Most species of companion animals (including exotic and farm animals) are susceptible to many diseases that can be prevented with vaccines, but that would otherwise be very difficult to treat successfully. These vaccinations ensure a protective immune response for problems like rabies, feline panleukopenia, canine hepatitis or distemper, to name a few.

However, most of these vaccines require boosters every once in a while, to keep his or her immunity in tip-top shape.

If your pet hasn’t been to see the vet for a while, now is the perfect time to schedule a visit to sort out his or her annual vaccines!

Are regular parasite treatments really needed?

Parasites are a fact of life for pets! Even indoor-only companion animals can easily find themselves with a flea infestation, as humans can carry these inside the house easily, so it’s not really a matter of “if”, it’s truly a matter of “when”.

Some of the most common types of parasites include fleas, ticks, mites and various species of worms.

That’s why regular treatments to help control internal and external parasites are powerful factors in the health of your pets as well as of you and your family. Many of these parasites can also infect humans and cause serious diseases – by protecting your pets, you are also protecting yourself.

The type and frequency of these treatments depend on his or her lifestyle, so don’t hesitate to ask the vet to create an annual plan!

In summary:

  • Vaccines protect companion animals against deadly diseases like rabies, parvovirus, feline panleukopenia or canine distemper;
  • Routine appointments (for instance, annually) can help your pets get treatment as early as possible, which, in turn, might improve disease outcomes;
  • Deworming and external parasite treatments ensure that you, your family and your pets are protected from any nasty bugs that might show up including tapeworms, fleas and ticks;
  • If your furry friend has a health condition or is older, he or she might need routine appointments that are more frequent to help with disease monitoring or early detection.

Preparing your pets for Christmas

Have you ever considered what the hustle and bustle of the holidays feels like for your pets? This is especially important during Christmas, when things at home are usually the most chaotic.

While Christmas might still seem a little time away, knowing how to prepare adequately can help spare your pets a lot of stress. The most important thing is to ensure the least stress possible for them, including managing safe resting spaces away from guests, preparing any stays in the boarding kennel or cattery ahead of time, or being careful to maintain their routines while everyone is on holiday.

Continue reading to know how to make the upcoming winter season even better for your furry friends!

Altering routines can be a source of stress for pets

As we’ve mentioned before, routines are essential for the well-being of companion animals, including feeding times, exercise, walks, and knowing who to expect at home.

For the most part, your pet will appreciate knowing what his or her days will be like and when we change that abruptly, it can cause a fair amount of stress. Putting up lots of decorations, having the kids in the house all day, or hosting many family members or friends during this season can all cause significant disruption.

To help manage that, consider:

  • Keeping food and exercise times as stable and predictable as possible;
  • Limiting the frequency and number of guests your pets are forced to be around;
  • Creating a quiet and comfortable room that is just for him or her to rest away from stressful parties or people.

Some animals are more sensitive than others and will demonstrate their stress in different ways. As such, if you notice your four-legged best friend is struggling during this time, don’t hesitate to contact your vet!

Finding a reputable boarding kennel, cattery or sitter can take time and research

While travelling with pets is becoming much more popular, with a wealth of pet-friendly destinations that let you have a great time without worries, many owners still prefer to arrange for their furry friends to stay at home or in a local boarding kennel or cattery.

However, finding the perfect solution can take time to research and many reputable places or sitters are usually booked up well in advance! As soon as you know you’ll be away for a while, start arranging for pet care, as this will enable you to choose somewhere that your pets will find as comfortable as possible.

If you’re unsure where to start, your vet will often have some good recommendations for you!

Pets with special needs are likely to need a bit more attention

There are many ways that pets may need a little more attention during the festive season!

Pets who are older, who are suffering from chronic pain, or who are not used to being around a lot of people are likely to feel stressed or uncomfortable more easily.

If you’re able, consider what you can do to better meet their needs during this busy time of the year and try to provide as many solutions as possible to ensure a great Christmas season!


In summary, you can prepare for a great winter season with your furry friends by:

  • Making an effort to keep feeding and exercise routines as stable as possible, plus creating comfortable resting spaces for them away from disruptions
  • Preparing ahead of time for when you will be absent, as good boarding kennels, catteries or sitters can get booked up quickly
  • Ensuring that your pet has all of their needs met, especially if they are older or have chronic conditions that need special attention
  • Speaking to your vet if you have any questions or concerns about preparing for the holidays


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Heatstroke cases have increased!

Did you know that it’s not just pets in hot cars that can suffer from heatstroke?

According to a recent veterinary report, there has been a fivefold increase in heatstroke cases during June and August of 2022, with pets sadly passing away in one in four of these cases. Is this a result of global warming?

Keep reading to learn all about heatstroke, its most common signs, and how to prevent dangerous situations during warm weather.

Is heatstroke in pets common?

Heatstroke, also known as hyperthermia, occurs when the body is exposed to a high temperature for too long, and it can be dangerous for your pet’s internal organs.

Unfortunately, during warm days, there are many ways for your pet to find himself or herself in this situation. Owners often hear about dogs in hot cars and how it can be lethal in under 10 minutes, but long walks during warm weather, exposed kennels, and badly ventilated rooms can also cause a dangerous increase in body heat, even in cats or smaller mammals.

It’s critical that you be vigilant of situations where your pets might overheat, even if they seem comfortable or don’t seem to be in distress.

What are the signs of heatstroke in pets?

As we’ve mentioned, heatstroke can quickly become a serious problem and to ensure your pet has the best chance to find care in these situations, knowing the signs is essential.

Here is what you might spot:

  • Panting
  • Shallow, fast breathing
  • Excessive drooling
  • Refusing to move or collapsing
  • Gums that look very red and dry
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Seizures

If you see any of these signs, don’t ignore them! This is particularly important for pets who are old, overweight, have breathing difficulties, or suffer from certain problems like heart or kidney diseases, as they are more likely not to be able to regulate their temperature as well as other animals.

If my pet is suffering from heatstroke, what should I do?

When you suspect your pet might be suffering from heatstroke, move him or her to a shaded, cooler area and call your vet as soon as possible!

Based on your case, they will advise you on how to proceed but will most often tell you to try and run cool (but not cold) water over his or her body, which can help reduce temperature.

After that, your vet will want to see your pet at the practice to make sure his or her body temperature is going down in a safe way and that there are no further problems that need to be treated. 


In summary:

  • Recent studies show there has been a fivefold increase in the number of pet heatstroke cases;
  • Pets can suffer from heat problems by being trapped inside hot cars but also by being outside too long, going on long walks during the hottest hours of the day or being stuck inside a room with a high temperature;
  • The most common signs are collapsing, panting, drooling and fast breathing;
  • Knowing how to recognise these signs is essential to be able to help your pet before there are serious consequences!

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Make sure grass seeds are not a problem this summer

If you are yearning for some outdoor adventures with your dog this summer, our blog post is for you!

Walks in the countryside can be great fun, but it’s important to be mindful of grass seeds as these can lead to many problems!

Keep reading to learn more about grass seeds and how to keep your dog away from trouble.

What are grass seeds?

Grass seeds are small, arrow-shaped grass particles and are a common part of the woodland and meadow flora in the UK. As your dog passes by, these seeds can easily detach from the stem, and their bristles make it easy for them to get caught up in your dog’s fur.


Why are grass seeds a problem for dogs? How will I know if my dog is affected?

If grass seeds are entangled in your dog’s fur and stay put, you’re not likely to have problems. However, with your dog’s normal movement, these tend to migrate towards the skin, and their pointy end and arrow shape can easily pierce through.

As you can imagine, this will cause a lot of discomfort and pain, and you may notice your dog licking or nibbling at the affected area if they can reach it.

Other signs associated with grass seeds will vary depending on where they’re positioned. For instance, if the nose is affected, your dog may start sneezing a lot; if the problem area is a paw, you may notice limping. Other commonly affected areas are the ears, eyes, lips, and genitals.


What can I do to help my dog?

If you notice any of the signs mentioned, book an appointment at your vet practice for your dog to be seen. As these signs are common to a range of problems, it’s important for your vet to do a thorough physical exam to find out what is causing them.

If the grass seed is visible, the diagnosis is easy, but tests may be necessary if it is already embedded deep in the skin.

The treatment is aimed at removing the embedded seed and treating any secondary infections that might have developed. Some grass seeds can be removed with tweezers, but if they’ve travelled internally, a surgical technique may be needed.


What about prevention?

The only way you can guarantee grass seeds won’t be a problem is to avoid walking your dog in places where these can be found.

If you decide to go to a place where there are grass seeds, make sure to check your dog’s fur afterwards, paying special attention to the face and between the toes, and remove any seeds that you find. If you notice any soreness, redness and if the area is warm (signs of inflammation), talk to your vet.

If you have a long-haired dog, it may be worth clipping their fur during the summer months, which can also help them feel more comfortable with higher temperatures.

Being aware of these signs can help prevent a range of problems if you enjoy involving your dog in outdoor activities. Other than grass seeds, we’d like to remind you to make sure that your dog’s parasite treatments are up-to-date and to learn more about how to protect them from seasonal hazards such as heatstroke, drowning and adder bites! Stay tuned!

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What do you know about canine heart disease?

How much do you know about canine heart disease? One of the most common forms of heart disease in dogs is dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). This means that the heart chambers are enlarged, making it harder for the heart to work properly and send blood to where it needs to be.

As a progressive disease, as soon as you see the signs something might be wrong (for instance, shortness of breath, difficulty doing physical activities or fainting), it’s essential that you take your dog to the vet so he or she can be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.

Read our blog post and learn all about supporting your dog with DCM!

Heart disease in dogs

Many heart conditions in canine patients can cause problems, but the two main ones are diseases that affect the heart’s muscles or the valves of the heart chambers. In this blog, we will focus on the most common heart muscle disease: Dilated cardiomyopathy.

DCM affects mainly large and giant-sized dogs, though medium and, more rarely, smaller breeds can also be affected. This disease develops because the muscle responsible for pumping blood gets progressively thinner, showing up as an enlarged chamber in the heart.

Due to this, the muscle gets weaker and less capable of handling blood circulation. For a while, your dog’s body will be able to compensate for the loss of heart function, and you might not see any worrying signs.

However, at some point, the capacity to compensate for a faulty heart muscle is exhausted, and you might spot the following:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Unusual tiredness and refusal to play or run
  • Coughing
  • Swollen belly
  • Fainting without any other explanation

Early detection is key when it comes to DCM. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned earlier, it’s crucial to consult your vet promptly. While there is no cure for DCM, the disease can often be effectively managed with timely intervention and regular vet visits, enhancing your dog’s quality of life.

Diagnosing canine cardiomyopathy and heart failure

The most important thing about an early diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy is that it gives your pet the best chance to start treatment as soon as possible.

When you bring your furry friend in, your vet will perform several types of tests, such as a special heart ultrasound to measure the heart’s electrical activity and blood tests to determine the health of organs like the kidneys or liver.

It’s important for your vet to be able to assess your dog’s degree of heart failure, which happens when his or her body cannot compensate for the lack of muscle capacity of the heart and clinical signs appear. Determining the degree of heart failure allows him or her to have a treatment that is perfectly tailored to their condition.

Helping your dog with dilated cardiomyopathy

As we’ve mentioned, it’s essential that you pay attention to the signs of heart failure and, take your dog to be properly diagnosed and have a good treatment plan put in place to help him or her live with a stable heart function and the least amount of clinical signs possible.

Each dog will have his or her personalised treatment plan, which can change over time as DCM progresses.

Because of this, an attentive owner can make all of the difference! If you notice any change in energy levels, food intake, coughing or an increase in his or her breathing rate, it’s worth checking in with your vet to see if an appointment is needed.

In summary:

  • Heart disease in dogs is very common, and it will often show up as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), especially in large or giant dogs;
  • If you spot any of the signs of heart disease in your pet, like fatigue, difficulty breathing, or a swollen abdomen, talk to your vet as soon as possible;
  • Treatment of DCM is tailored to your dog’s clinical issues, and it can be adjusted as needed;
  • Breathing rate, energy levels and coughing are important things to look out for if your dog is suffering from DCM;
  • When you see any changes, don’t hesitate to ask for help!

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Are you considering adopting a dog from abroad?

Adopting a dog from abroad seems to be a rising trend in the UK, with 6% of owners asked by the PDSA in 2022 and 2023 reporting that their pet was imported compared to 4% in 2021 and 3% in August 2020.

If you’ve fallen in love with a dog from overseas and are considering bringing it back into the UK, keep reading to find out some important things that you should be mindful of before making a decision!


Can an imported pet have unusual diseases?

There are a range of exotic diseases that we don’t commonly see or have in the UK that can be imported along with your new dog if you don’t test for them beforehand. These include:


Rabies is a viral neurological disease that mostly targets a mammal’s brain and nerves (including humans, dogs and cats), leading to a range of symptoms that ultimately lead to death. Though there is no cure for rabies, the disease can be prevented through vaccination.


Brucellosis is another infectious disease, this time caused by the bacteria Brucella canis. Vets can use antibiotics to try to treat it, but, in most cases, treatment is not effective with dogs often having to be euthanised.


Unlike rabies and brucellosis which can be transmitted from dog to dog (or dog to human!), heartworm is transmitted via mosquito bites. As the name indicates, the disease is characterised by an infection of the heart and lungs by a parasite. The disease is fatal if not treated, and treatment itself poses a number of risks, which is why parasite prevention treatments are key.


This is also a parasitic disease transmitted by sandfly bites. Once infection has been established, there’s no cure for leishmaniasis, but in some animals, the disease can be successfully managed.


Ehrlichiosis brings us back to bacterial diseases, this one caused by Ehrlichia canis. The disease is also vector-borne, meaning a dog cannot be infected directly, only via a tick bite (the tick being the vector). Diagnosis is often challenging as symptoms are not specific, and, since there is no ehrlichiosis in the UK, vets will only suspect the disease if they are aware that a dog has been living out of the country.


Babesiosis is another tick-borne parasite disease. It mostly affects young and middle-aged dogs and treatment can be challenging, with its effectiveness dictated by the severity of the disease. Again, prevention via tick control is the best way of dealing (or not dealing, in this case!) with these types of infections.

It’s important to be mindful that rabies, brucellosis, leishmaniasis and babesiosis are transmissible to humans as well, some directly from dog to human, others indirectly, requiring a vector (i.e. the dog could infect a tick, for instance, which could then bite and infect a human).

As these diseases may cause severe symptoms in dogs, with some not being treatable at all, combined with their potential for zoonotic infections (i.e. spreading to humans), it’s very important that we try to keep them out of the UK by testing dogs before bringing them to the UK from abroad.


Will an overseas pet have health or behaviour problems?

The rise in demand for imported puppies and dogs has led to people turning a blind eye to the welfare conditions those pets experience in their early months.

Though legislation keeps tightening in the UK regarding selling and adopting pets, such as Lucy’s Law and Reggie’s Law, the same is not true in other countries, which may be purposefully breeding dogs in low welfare conditions specifically to supply to the UK.

When this is the case, once with their new families, imported dogs often show behavioural issues and even severe health problems that may lead to a regrettable premature loss of a beloved family member.

Also, according to the PDSA’s 2023 PAW Report, a number of people are seeking imported pets due to physical traits such as docked tails and cropped ears. Both of these practices are illegal in the UK as they pose welfare and health risks to affected animals, and finding a way around the law to acquire such pets is something that should be avoided.

If you’re considering adopting or buying a dog from abroad, we hope this blog post has helped you ponder this decision and do remember to ask your vet which tests are needed before you bring a new pet into your family!

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Is my dog struggling with osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a common problem for dogs, particularly elderly pets. This disease happens due to progressive inflammatory destruction of the cartilage in the joints, leading to worsening mobility and pain.

Unfortunately, this condition does not have a cure in most cases, but there are many ways to slow down the progression of cartilage destruction and manage pain successfully.

If you’ve noticed that your furry friend has been slowing down on walks and is more reluctant to move around, this blog post is for you! Keep reading to know all about osteoarthritis and how to help your pet enjoy its twilight years without pain.

What is osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is also called degenerative joint disease (DJD), and, as we’ve mentioned, it is caused by persistent joint inflammation resulting from damaged cartilage, a protective tissue that is vital for proper joint movement.

As this is progressively destroyed, the bones lose their capacity to move correctly. This situation also causes significant and increasing pain, and you may start to notice your pet being more reluctant to get up from their bed, walk or play. This discomfort can also show up as increased aggressiveness, less patience and house-soiling.

Any dog can suffer from osteoarthritis at any point in his or her life, but some animals are more predisposed to DJD. The most important risk factors include:

  • Age as older dogs are more likely to have cartilage damage;
  • Larger breeds;
  • Injuries or repeated activities (such as sports) as these create a lot of repeated stress on the joints;
  • Overweight;
  • Joints with bad conformation (for instance, hip dysplasia).

While no definitive cure exists for this disease, your furry friend can still enjoy a long time of comfort and activity with the proper treatments. These aim to slow down the progression and manage pain, allowing him or her to have many more great days to share with you.


Can I help my dog feel better?

One of the most essential things any owner can do is keep an eye out for progressing signs of osteoarthritis, especially during this time of the year when cold and damp days can worsen joint function.

While every pet is different, medical management is vital in these cases, as pain and mobility loss will continue progressing. Often, these medications will have to be adjusted as time passes and other symptoms appear.

Your vet will also likely suggest physical therapy to help reduce discomfort and improve limb strength. This might include hydrotherapy, acupuncture, laser therapy or other complementary treatment modalities that help medication and lifestyle changes be more effective.

Modifying routines, for instance, with shorter walks, and changing how your dog can get around your home, for example, with more comfortable bedding and mobility aids, can also be extremely helpful.

If you spot any concerning changes, don’t hesitate to contact your vet! They will carry out a thorough investigation and suggest the best treatments to address any difficulties your pet is having.


Don’t forget:

  • Osteoarthritis most often cannot be cured, but it can usually be successfully managed;
  • If you spot any changes in behaviour such as less patience, reluctance to move or get up, increased vocalisations and house soiling, they might be due to pain or significant discomfort;
  • Medication and treatments like hydrotherapy or laser therapy can help manage symptoms when they come up;
  • In case you see any worrying concerns, speak to your vet, and they will be able to help you decide on the best course of action.

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Could my dog be suffering from an ear infection?

Have you noticed your dog shaking their head more than usual and constantly scratching their ears? This often means that they have an ear infection and need to be seen by a vet.

Keep reading to find out more about ear infections and what you can do to prevent them.


What is an ear infection?

Ear infections are common in dogs, especially those who suffer from other skin problems, such as allergies, and those with long, floppy ears like Cocker Spaniels.

There are a number of microorganisms that live in the healthy ear and that are harmless to our pets. However, if something happens that changes the normal ear environment, this balance can be disturbed, and the bacteria and yeast that live in the ear canal can multiply and cause an infection.

Irritation, itchiness, and the trauma from scratching can all lead to infection, which is why it’s so important to recognise signs of ear problems early on.


What are the signs of ear problems?

Excessive scratching, which includes head rubbing on furniture or other surfaces and pawing at the ears, is usually one of the first signs of an ear problem. Other signs include:

  • Red, swollen ears
  • Ear discharge – purulent or tarry
  • Smelly ears
  • Head shaking
  • Pain and discomfort

If your pet’s ears are painful, this is likely to affect their behaviour. You may find that they seem more withdrawn and avoid being petted on the head. Your dog can even become aggressive to avoid contact, so be careful when handling their sensitive ears.

If ear itchiness has been going on for a while, you may also notice outer lesions, such as bald patches and crusty areas around the base of the ear.

Another sign of chronic ear problems is a head tilt. If you see that your dog’s head is tilted, this can mean that the ear infection has progressed to the inner ear, which can lead to serious conditions such as meningitis and vestibular disease.


What to do if I spot these signs?

It’s very important to seek veterinary help if you suspect that your dog has an ear problem or recognise any of these signs.

Usually, the earlier ear infections are diagnosed, the easier they are to treat, and chronic complications are less likely to develop.

Ear treatment needs to be prescribed by your vet and usually involves a combination of ear cleaning and medicated ear drops. Additional oral medication may be necessary for dogs with complicated infections or even surgical solutions for chronic cases.

If your dog is in pain, it can be challenging to handle their ears as they can run and hide or even try to bite you. Proceed with caution, gently and do not rush, and if you are struggling, ask your vet team for help.


What can I do to prevent ear infections?

Diagnosing and treating skin problems

As we have mentioned, ear infections usually develop as a consequence of irritation, itchiness, inflammation, or trauma. This means that there is an underlying problem that needs to be addressed.

Anything that causes itchy skin, from fleas to allergic disease, can lead to an ear infection, so one of the first steps to prevent this is to find out what could be behind this problem.

Once your dog has been diagnosed, if their condition is well-managed, ear infections are likely to be under control as well.

Periodic checks

Having a look at your dog’s ears regularly can help catch inflammation and irritation before they progress to infection.

If your dog has long ears that cover the entrance of the ear canal, like the Basset Hound, we’d recommend checking them more frequently. This type of ear shape makes them more prone to develop infections, as the temperature and humidity conditions of their ears are ideal for bacterial and yeast proliferation.

We’d recommend the same for dogs diagnosed with a chronic skin condition, such as allergies, as they’re also more likely to have ear infections.

Hygiene and cleaning

As a dog owner, you may wonder how often you should bathe your dog and clean their ears. The truth is the answer to this question is highly variable.

It is important to be mindful of your pet’s general hygiene condition. If you go out on a walk and they’re covered in mud, a bath is due. If you notice that their coat feels oily and that they don’t smell great, those are good reasons for a bath as well. The point is: bathe your dog only if they need it, but be mindful of not letting water or shampoo get into their ears.

The same is true for their ears. If you find excess wax or a strong odour, it’s advisable to clean them with a good quality ear-cleaning solution. Otherwise, the ear has its own cleaning mechanisms in place, and over-cleaning can cause irritation. Your vet can help you decide if and how often your dog’s ears need to be cleaned.


We hope you find this article helpful! Don’t hesitate to reach out to your vet if you suspect an ear infection or if you have any questions regarding your dog’s ear care.

Separation anxiety in dogs

Back-to-school blues are not just for people! Did you know that dogs can also feel sad when their owners are no longer in the house?

While many dogs might feel a bit gloomy about having the house all to themselves, some pets will feel it especially acutely, which can tip into significant separation anxiety. Dogs suffering from this might exhibit unwanted behaviours due to distress, which can be challenging to resolve.

Keep reading to know all about separation anxiety and what you can do to help your dog through this difficult time.

What is separation anxiety in dogs?

This common behavioural problem happens when your dog experiences significant anxiety when he or she realises you are about to be separated, for instance, when you or your family leave for work or school.

While many furry friends experience some form of displeasure at seeing you leave, what makes separation anxiety different is the intensity of these feelings of stress.

For pets that are sensitive to anxiety, it can be quite intense and cause a lot of distress, leading to unwanted behaviours when this is triggered. You might start seeing:

  • Excessive barking or howling;
  • Incessant pacing or trembling;
  • Drooling and panting;
  • Toileting in the house;
  • Destructive behaviour such as chewing on furniture or other non-toy objects;
  • Attempting to escape the house to try and find you!

If not handled properly, these behaviours can escalate into intense stress that causes a serious dip in his or her quality of life as well as self-harm, for instance, broken teeth or paw injuries.

What can I do to help?

Like many other behavioural issues, it’s vital that you are very patient with your dog and that you know that it might take some time to help him or her feel more at ease with your absences. While it may be difficult to handle, particularly if your dog suffers from severe separation anxiety, do not yell or punish them for the way they are acting.

For mild cases, you might have a lot of success by keeping routines as stable as possible all year, not making a fuss as you are leaving the house, tiring out your furry friend before leaving, finding nice toys that will entertain him or her during the time you are out so he or she won’t miss you as much. You will have to be consistent with this and patient, but with time and care, your dog will probably feel much better!

For owners that are struggling with a severe case and whose dog is at risk of self-harm or extreme distress, it’s best to consult their vet and probably be referred to a clinical animal behaviourist to help him or her overcome this type of stress.


In summary:

  • Some pets might be suffering from a high level of stress when they think you are about to leave;
  • Separation anxiety can manifest as excessive barking, destructive behaviours, attempting to flee or even self-harm!
  • To help your pet, you can try to modify your leaving routines and ensure he or she has enough toys and entertainment to spend the day alone;
  • For tough cases or if you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to contact your vet.

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