Category Archives: Cats

Caring for the ageing cat

Cats 1 - Caring for the ageing cat

Cats who are between 8 and 11 years old are usually considered middle aged and cats over 12 years old are considered senior. As years go by, there are quite a few changes you can expect to see in your older cat.

The first thing owners usually notice is that their cat seems to have slowed down a bit, being less energetic and spending more time napping in warm spots.Their eyesight and hearing may progressively deteriorate and their coat often loses shine. Their skin also becomes less elastic and it’s not uncommon for white hairs to appear.

There are several things you can do to help your older cat enjoy its golden years living a happy, active and fulfilling life.


Some cats might put on weight as they get older, since they are much less active while others might lose weight. This could be due to the fact that cats lose their appetite along with their sense of smell or due to some underlying medical condition. There are specially formulated senior diets available and prescription diets (if necessary) that can be of great help. Talk to your vet about the best option for your cat’s particular case.


Older cats greatly appreciate a soft, warm and comfortable bed, preferably in a quiet place of the house. Litter boxes, food, water, sleeping spots and hiding places should be available and easily accessible to your cat.

It’s very common for older cats to suffer from arthritis or degenerative joint disease, a chronic painful condition that often causes mobility issues. If you cat suffers from arthritis having food and water bowls slightly raised from the ground can be very helpful. Litter boxes should also be large and low sided, in order for the cat to be able to get in and out of the box without any difficulties.

Take the time to help your cat with grooming, as older cats tend to groom themselves less and will benefit from the extra help. It’s also important to keep an eye on their claws. Since older cats are much less active their claws can grow too long and because they are curved, they can even grow into the cat’s paw. For this reason, in some cases, it might be necessary to regularly trim their claws.

Health care

Common health problems of older cats include arthritis, dental disease, hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, lumps or growths (which can turn out to be either harmless or cancerous), dementia and reduced brain functions.

It is recommended for senior cats to keep up their vaccination and worming plans and to visit the vet for check-ups twice a year. It is not uncommon for owners to assume that a certain health issue is related to your cat’s advanced age when it could actually be due to a treatable medical condition.

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Kennel cough – The most widespread infectious disease of dogs in the UK

Dogs 28 - Kennel coughKennel cough, or infectious tracheobronchitis, is a highly infectious disease of dogs that affects their upper respiratory tract. The most common clinical sign is a persistent, dry, hacking cough but some dogs can become depressed, develop a temperature and even present sneezes and a running nose.

Kennel cough is just a general term for contagious upper respiratory tract infection as this disease can be caused by several agents, both viral and bacterial. The most common pathogens involved are a bacteria called Bordetella and a virus called Parainfluenza.

Kennel cough is not a dangerous disease and has a very good prognosis. Most dogs will recover fully in a few weeks without any treatment. However, this disease can become more serious for vulnerable groups of pets such as very young or very old dogs and dogs that may be debilitated due to some other disease.

Despite the fact that dogs can handle the infection on their own treatment can help reduce the duration of the disease, the general discomfort and make the cough less severe.

This disease is highly contagious and will quickly spread between dogs that are in close contact with one another. The infectious particles (bacterial or viral) will travel in small droplets of fluids and mucus of affected dogs and they will spread it when they cough or sneeze. For this reason it is highly recommended not to mix a dog when he or she is sick with other dogs.

Any occasion that might involve gathering several dogs such as puppy parties, dog shows or staying in kennels is an excellent opportunity for the disease to spread around. Since the agent can survive in a dog’s environment for a long time, dogs can even get infected by walking through an area where an infected dog has been.

The best way to prevent your dog from getting kennel cough is to vaccinate against the disease. The vaccine is a bit different from regular vaccines as it is given as drops into the dog’s nose (intranasal). The vaccine is not 100% effective but it is recommended if your dog is going regularly into kennels, if it frequently comes in contact with other dogs or if you have many dogs in your household. Most kennels will not let you board your dog if or she is not vaccinated against kennel cough.

Pregnancy and toxoplasmosis

Cats 2 - Pregnancy and toxoplasmosis

Most of you have probably heard of toxoplasmosis. It is a disease of cats caused by a microscopic parasite called Toxoplasma gondii that can affect humans. Although cats are the parasite’s definitive host, it can also affect most warm blood animals.

This parasite is extremely well adapted to its host and most cats infected with toxoplasmosis do not show any signs. Cats usually become infect by eating raw or uncooked meat containing T gondii cysts. This can happen when they hunt for rodents for example.

The disease also goes unnoticed in most affected humans, causing in some cases just mild flu symptoms. This disease can be more serious if the affected human has a compromised immune system, such as someone undergoing treatment for cancer for example, the very young or the elderly. The parasite can also affect pregnant women’s unborn babies. For these reasons, toxoplasmosis raises understandable concerns.

It is important to clarify that a human is far more likely to get toxoplasmosis from unwashed fruits and vegetables, consuming undercooked or cured meat, and from touching its mouth while gardening than from being in contact with a cat. The disease is not passed on by stroking a cat or through a cat’s bites and scratches.

The feline immune system responds very quickly after infection and cats will shed oocysts in their faeces for 10 to 14 days after being exposed to the disease. The oocysts become infectious one to five days after being passed and we can only be infected if we ingest these infectious oocysts. After a cat’s first infection they are very unlikely to shed oocysts again in their lifetime and if that does happen they will shed a very low number of oocysts.

If a few basic hygiene preventative measures are followed the risks are reduced even more and you have nothing to fear from your cat. These recommendations are especially important if you belong to one of the vulnerable groups (being immunocompromised, being pregnant or considering getting pregnant):

  • Make sure you cook all meat thoroughly and avoid eating cured meats
  • Please don’t forget to washall cooking utensils and surfaces that came in contact with any uncooked meat
  • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly to remove any traces of soil
  • Use gloves when gardening and wash your hands afterwards.
  • Don’t feed your cat raw or uncooked meat and if possible, try to discourage him or her from hunting rodents and birds.
  • Ask someone to clean your cat’s litter box for you. If this is not possible wear gloves and wash your hands afterwards. The litter box should be scooped every day and litter trays should be regularly disinfect using hot water.

If you have any questions about toxoplasmosis contact your vet and ask for advice.

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How much do you know about fleas? Protect your pet and your home!

Dogs 27 - How much do you know about fleas

Fleas are extremely common parasites that feed off the blood of mammals, which includes pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits and they will also bite humans. Most pet owners have seen them at some point, since these tiny brown insects are very common and can be a problem all year round.

Although fleas are usually not a life threatening problem except in very young or very sick animals, they cause a lot of problems for pets and owners alike. Flea bites cause discomfort, itchiness and some pets can be allergic to their saliva. Affected pets often over-groom and scratch themselves a lot more than usual, leading to hair loss, red patches and even skin damage. If left unchecked these small scabs can become an open door for secondary infection.

Fleas are responsible for transmitting tapeworm to cats and dogs. This happens if a dog or a cat swallows a flea infected with tapeworm eggs, while grooming. These parasites will also transmit myxomatosis among rabbits (wild and domestic), which is a devastating and often fatal disease.

Fleas can be hard to get rid of mainly due to their life cycle. Only adult fleas will bite your pet and they can start laying eggs within 24 hours of their first meal.

These eggs will fall off your pet into the ground, where they hatch and develop into adult fleas. This means that they will develop in your pet’s surrounding environment (bedding, floors, carpets, couches, etc.). Not only this means that most of the problem is not on your pet, it is in its environment, but it also means that fleas can easily thrive during the colder months, since they can be safely hiding or developing in our warm, comfortable homes.

For all these reasons it is very important to keep your pet’s flea treatment up to date, even during the winter months.

If you do have a flea problem it is very important to treat your home, particularly your pet’s environment since that is where eggs and larvae will be. It is also key that all pets at home are treated, since fleas can easily jump from one pet to another. Your vet can recommend the best solution for your pet, since there is a wide variety of treatments and products available (spot on solutions, collars, tablets, sprays, etc.). Please make sure you follow your vet’s instructions and that you treat your pet with the appropriate products. Many dog flea treatments contains permethrin, an insecticide that is highly toxic for cats!

How to check my pet for fleas?

Search your pet’s fur looking closely at the skin surface for small black grains of sand. They are more commonly seen on their backs near the base of the tail. Those black grains of sand are faeces left behind by the fleas after feeding. You might also be able to see the fleas themselves walking around.

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Caring for your dog during the colder months

Caring for your dog during the colder months

Although the evenings are getting a little lighter we are still in the depths of winter with below zero temperatures and reduced daylight hours.  This article is designed to give you some practical tips that will help you to look after your pet during the last few months of winter.

1. Exercise in winter

The short days with dark mornings and evenings may make exercising your dog a little harder and he may not receive the same amount of exercise that he would during the summer months.

It’s important to keep an eye on his weight and food intake as reduced exercise may lead to weight increase.  Make it a routine to check his weight and cut down on total food intake if it seems to be on the increase.

Older dogs, just like humans can also suffer from stiff joints as a result of arthritic changes and these aches and pains can be worsened by cold, damp weather.  There are a wide range of anti-inflammatory medications available from your vet which may help and also joint supplements such as glucosamine can be useful.

When walking your dog in the dark, a fluorescent jacket or collar can help your dog be seen more easily by traffic.  You can also buy flashing lights which attach to the collar.  A microchip is also a great idea (with up to date contact details) as should your pet be lost, it will help a speedy reunion.  Microchips will become compulsory for all dogs in England and Wales from April 2016 onwards.

2. Ice hazards

A wintry scene is very pretty but walking your dog in ice and snow can cause some problems.  Ice and snow can ball-up between the pads of the feet causing sores and lameness.  Always check your dog’s feet on return home and give the areas between the pads a good wipe with a cloth and warm water to remove any ice, snow, grit, salt or dirt.

Frozen lakes and ponds are also a real hazard as the ice can be thin and unable to support the weight of your dog.  There are deaths each year as well-meaning owners try to rescue their beloved pet.  It’s a good idea to put your dog on a lead when near these areas.

3. Feeling the cold

Most dogs are well equipped to deal with any temperatures that the UK can throw at them.  But some dogs with thin coats such as Chihuahuas and Greyhounds may well feel the cold just like us humans and would benefit from a coat when out walking in winter.

4. Beware poisons!

The winter months can expose your dog to some recognised poisons, one of which is antifreeze (ethylene glycol).  This sweet tasting substance can leak from car radiators and it is very palatable to most dogs.  Only a small amount can cause kidney damage which can be fatal.  If you suspect that your dog may have consumed antifreeze then contact your vet without delay.

Also some houseplants left over from Christmas such as the Poinsettia have leaves which contain an irritant sap.  These brightly coloured plants may prove interesting to dogs and although not likely to be fatal can lead to an unpleasant reaction if eaten.  To be on the safe side keep these away from your pet.

By David Babington BVetMed MRCVS

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Rock salt – What every pet owner should know

Dogs 24 - Rock salt - What every pet owner should knowRock salt is very commonly used during winter all over the UK. The substance is a mixture of salt, grit and other components such as magnesium that works as an ice melter. It is often spread on our roads to keep them clear of ice and snow, and on sidewalks and footpaths to prevent slips and falls.

Despite being so common during the cold season many pet owners are not aware that rock salt can be very dangerous for pets (such as cats and dogs) if ingested. We still don’t know for sure how much needs to be eaten to cause damage but we do know that even a small amount of pure salt can lead to disease.

Most cases of affected animals happen after pets go outside for their walks and step over gritted snow or ice. Rock salt causes some level of irritation to their skin and pets will often lick the substance off their paws and fur. Ingesting rock salt can lead to a high blood sodium concentration which can cause lethargy, thirst, excessive salivation, vomiting and ultimately can lead to kidney damage, pancreatitis and seizures (fits).

If you notice any of these symptoms on your pet, contact your vet immediately. Waiting and watching is never a good idea if you suspect a pet has been poisoned as it can seriously decrease its chances of recovery.

The best way to keep pets safe is to wipe their feet and fur that may have been in contact with the gritted snow. If your pet displays any signs of discomfort after a possible contact with rock salt during one of his walks, wash the affected areas with pet-safe shampoo and warm water. Please don’t forget to dry your pet’s fur with a soft towel after washing.

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Ethylene glycol – The deadly substance in antifreeze

Dogs 22 - Ethylene glycol

Antifreeze is very common in our homes during the winter months whether it is being used to prevent water from freezing inside our household pipes or to de-ice our cars in the morning. This substance is also present in most motor vehicle antifreezes and it is also found in some screen washers.

The problem with antifreeze is one of its components, a substance called ethylene glycol. This substance is extremely toxic for pets, particularly cats, and even if ingested in small amounts it can rapidly lead to kidney failure and death.

Antifreeze poisoning is one of the most common types of poisoning in small animals and statistics show that 90% of cats that swallow antifreeze will die.

Usually cats will come across antifreeze when it leaks from car engines into the ground. Cats that spend a significant amount of time outdoors will often hide under cars and sometimes they might even crawl into the car’s engine in search of warmth and shelter. A few drops of antifreeze will quickly form a small puddle which is usually the only liquid around that is not frozen. Cats, dogs and even wild animals might find it and drink it.

Symptoms of ethylene glycol poisoning can appear up to 12 hours after ingestion. Pets will often display difficulties walking, appearing wobbly, almost like if they were drunk and many will become more vocal. As time goes by the symptoms can evolve to depression, lethargy, increased thirst and urination, vomiting and seizures (fits). After 24 hours it is very likely for your pet to be suffering from acute renal failure and their chances for recovery are very poor.

If you recognise any of these symptoms or if you suspect your pet may have ingested antifreeze please do not hesitate and contact your vet immediately. Your pet’s chances of recovering depend on how soon he or she receives treatment!

We recommend all owners to be very careful when using and disposing of used antifreeze. Please make sure you always keep it away from your pets and immediately clean any spills that may happen by accident.
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