Many people might not like thinking about what happens in the confines of their cats’ litterbox but knowing what goes on in there (unpleasant as this may be!) is crucial in the early detection of some important health problems.
There is a lot of valuable information that you can gather from just a cursory glance at faeces or by keeping track of how often your cat is peeing. So, what should you be on the lookout for?
The most dangerous situation is when there is an absence of any of these bodily functions, especially when your cat has stopped urinating altogether. There are two major causes for this: the kidneys have stopped working, or there is an obstruction at any point in the urinary system.
Both of these are severe medical issues that can be fatal if left untreated! If you notice that this has happened, take your cat to your vet as soon as possible.
Acute kidney failure can have many causes, for instance, ingestion of toxic substances, or it can arise as a complication of other diseases like chronic kidney disease, heart disease or diabetes. The sooner your vet can investigate the root cause as to why your cat’s kidneys are not working properly, the better his or her chances are of recovering.
Obstruction of the urinary system is perhaps the most frequent cause of complete lack of urine voiding and, like acute kidney failure, many conditions can lead to this situation. Urinary stones and Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease are two of the most common conditions that can lead to severe blockage and they need to be treated immediately to avoid complications like bladder rupture or kidney failure!
It’s also good to pay attention to what your cats do when they are in the litterbox. If they are visibly in pain when they pee, are anxious or in distress and cannot seem to pass urine even though they are trying, these are all signs that something might be wrong.
If you are worried that your cats might be suffering from urinary issues, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian!
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