Is your horse happy?

Though there’s no such thing as a recipe for equine happiness, there are some basic ingredients that need to be in the mix! These include adequate health care, gentle handling, balanced nutrition, and an environment that allows for quality interactions and all the opportunities required to express their natural behaviour.

Keep reading to learn more about the five domains model of animal welfare and how you can improve your horse’s quality of life!

What are the five domains?

The five domains represent an animals’ five basic welfare needs:

  • Balanced nutrition
  • Preventative and responsive health care
  • Adequate, safe and rich environment
  • Quality behavioural interactions
  • Positive mental state

These are universal to all animal species and were compiled in the 1960s as the five freedoms in response to the livestock production practices at the time.

Over the past 60 years, this concept has evolved alongside our knowledge of animal health, welfare, and behaviour and has since been used to help guide us in caring for animals respectfully!


We are what we eat, and the same is true for horses. A balanced diet is one of the most important pillars of a healthy life, and this involves:

  • A high-quality forage-based diet tailored to the individual horse
  • The correct amount of food and number of meals
  • Clean, fresh water that is always available

Adequate nutrition has an integral part in preventing health problems, such as colic, ulcers and obesity, as well as behavioural issues, as you can stimulate horses’ natural foraging behaviours depending on how you’re providing them with food.

Health care

If your horse is unwell, this will obviously have an impact on their well-being. Conducting a daily health check can be instrumental in seeking veterinary help early. Here are some of the most important aspects to be mindful of:

  • Their demeanour and if they are behaving normally
  • How their body looks (posture, condition, hydration) and feels (temperature, swelling)
  • Any injuries that may be present (making sure to check the mouth and feet)

As for preventative care, vaccinations and parasite treatments are vital for protecting your horse against a range of diseases, and your vet will be happy to arrange a tailored plan for your animal’s specific needs.


Providing your horse with an adequate and rich environment where they are safe from the elements and predators, and are able to display their natural behaviour is paramount.

Here are some aspects to consider:

  • Is their pasture cared for?
  • Is the horse free to move around?
  • Do they have a comfortable place to rest?
  • Is their access to forage and water adequate?
  • Do they have the opportunity to explore their environment?
  • Can they interact with other horses?
  • Could they benefit from environmental enrichment?

Though general recommendations are great as a starting point, tailoring your horse’s environment to their personality and character can make a world of difference in their happiness, and you’re the best person to know how to do this!

Behavioural interactions

As social animals, horses enjoy the company of other horses and need friends to socialise with.

Though they will be happy just being near other horses, physical contact is very important, too, which is something that naturally happens if they’re allowed to bond.

As for human-horse interactions, it’s key that you have a good understanding of equine behaviour so that you can learn to recognise what your equine friend enjoys doing and provide them with pleasant experiences.

Exploring their environment is another way that horses like spending their time, so make sure they have the opportunity to exercise and move freely.

Mental state

If you do a great job at managing the previous four domains, the result will be a positive mental state, which is what every horse owner is aiming for!

However, sometimes horses can still develop behavioural issues or suffer from high stress despite our best efforts. This may be due to many things, from an undiagnosed illness to a particular need that you didn’t know your horse had that isn’t being met.

These types of problems often take time, patience and the proper professional help to resolve, so don’t hesitate to contact your vet if you are struggling!

Keep an eye on our blog if you’d like to know more about each of the five domains, as we’ll be going into a detailed discussion in upcoming blog posts!

Would you like to know more about horses? Check our Equine Courses:

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Feline herpesvirus

One of the most common illnesses that can affect your furry friend is feline herpesvirus infection!

Also known as feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR), this disease is a frequent infection seen in cats, and symptoms vary from mild to more severe.

If you’ve ever seen your cat with a runny nose, persistent eye discharge or noticed sneezing, especially when he or she was a kitten, it was likely to have been a case of FVR. While most infections are mild, vulnerable animals like unprotected cats, older pets or kittens might suffer from a severe form of the disease.

Learn all about how to keep your cats protected from FVR in our blog post below!

How can my cat get feline herpesvirus?

The feline herpesvirus type 1 exists everywhere and is also highly infectious, meaning it is very easy for your cat to run into it, especially if he or she often goes outside or stays with other cats.

If other cats are shedding the virus (usually through eye, nose or mouth secretions), any contact with them or with items that they have been close to, like beds, bowls or surfaces, is likely to infect your pet quickly. Due to the high prevalence of this virus, many outside cats or pets who live in multicat households can carry and transmit the infection.

Fortunately, feline herpesvirus is exclusive to our domestic cats and other wild feline species, which means that humans and other pet species (like dogs or rabbits) cannot become infected.

What are the signs of feline viral rhinotracheitis?

FVR might take some days to show up in full force after contact with viral particles (either from other cats or from the environment), and you might see the following signs in your cat:

  • Runny nose;
  • Red, puffy eyelids with secretions that can range from a clear fluid to pus;
  • Sneezing;
  • Lethargy and fever.

If you spot any of these signs, don’t hesitate to talk to your vet! As we’ve mentioned, many of these infections are not very complicated and treating them is relatively straightforward. However, a proper diagnosis and treatment plan are still needed as many other, more serious diseases can have similar signs.

Veterinary support is vital for our more vulnerable pets, such as kittens, oldies, or cats with other chronic diseases whose immune systems might not work as well. They can suffer from severe consequences of feline herpesvirus infections, particularly when it comes to eye damage, for instance, debilitating ulcers in the cornea.

These cases will often need specific treatment, such as antibiotics for any other infections that may show up or eyedrops to help heal corneal damage.

How can I protect my cat?

The best way to ensure your feline friend can avoid this disease is through a proper vaccination schedule for him or her! These vaccines will also protect your cats against feline calicivirus, which can cause similar respiratory problems.

Vaccinated cats are less likely to catch FVR, and in the event that they do get sick, they will experience a much milder disease course than unvaccinated pets.

It’s also important to remember that this vital protection needs to be boosted regularly, so if you think that your cat might be out of date with his or her vaccinations, schedule your appointment with your vet today!


In summary:

  • Feline herpesvirus type 1 causes feline rhinotracheitis, a common viral disease that affects the upper airways and eyes of cats;
  • Cats can get infected through contact with other cats as well as through viral particles in the environment;
  • While it us usually an uncomplicated disease, it can cause severe problems for senior cats, kittens or cats with lowered immunity;
  • The best way to protect your feline friends is by vaccination;
  • If you notice that your cat is unwell, don’t hesitate to talk to your vet.

Would you like to know more about cats? Check our Feline Courses:

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