Is my dog struggling with osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a common problem for dogs, particularly elderly pets. This disease happens due to progressive inflammatory destruction of the cartilage in the joints, leading to worsening mobility and pain.

Unfortunately, this condition does not have a cure in most cases, but there are many ways to slow down the progression of cartilage destruction and manage pain successfully.

If you’ve noticed that your furry friend has been slowing down on walks and is more reluctant to move around, this blog post is for you! Keep reading to know all about osteoarthritis and how to help your pet enjoy its twilight years without pain.

What is osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is also called degenerative joint disease (DJD), and, as we’ve mentioned, it is caused by persistent joint inflammation resulting from damaged cartilage, a protective tissue that is vital for proper joint movement.

As this is progressively destroyed, the bones lose their capacity to move correctly. This situation also causes significant and increasing pain, and you may start to notice your pet being more reluctant to get up from their bed, walk or play. This discomfort can also show up as increased aggressiveness, less patience and house-soiling.

Any dog can suffer from osteoarthritis at any point in his or her life, but some animals are more predisposed to DJD. The most important risk factors include:

  • Age as older dogs are more likely to have cartilage damage;
  • Larger breeds;
  • Injuries or repeated activities (such as sports) as these create a lot of repeated stress on the joints;
  • Overweight;
  • Joints with bad conformation (for instance, hip dysplasia).

While no definitive cure exists for this disease, your furry friend can still enjoy a long time of comfort and activity with the proper treatments. These aim to slow down the progression and manage pain, allowing him or her to have many more great days to share with you.


Can I help my dog feel better?

One of the most essential things any owner can do is keep an eye out for progressing signs of osteoarthritis, especially during this time of the year when cold and damp days can worsen joint function.

While every pet is different, medical management is vital in these cases, as pain and mobility loss will continue progressing. Often, these medications will have to be adjusted as time passes and other symptoms appear.

Your vet will also likely suggest physical therapy to help reduce discomfort and improve limb strength. This might include hydrotherapy, acupuncture, laser therapy or other complementary treatment modalities that help medication and lifestyle changes be more effective.

Modifying routines, for instance, with shorter walks, and changing how your dog can get around your home, for example, with more comfortable bedding and mobility aids, can also be extremely helpful.

If you spot any concerning changes, don’t hesitate to contact your vet! They will carry out a thorough investigation and suggest the best treatments to address any difficulties your pet is having.


Don’t forget:

  • Osteoarthritis most often cannot be cured, but it can usually be successfully managed;
  • If you spot any changes in behaviour such as less patience, reluctance to move or get up, increased vocalisations and house soiling, they might be due to pain or significant discomfort;
  • Medication and treatments like hydrotherapy or laser therapy can help manage symptoms when they come up;
  • In case you see any worrying concerns, speak to your vet, and they will be able to help you decide on the best course of action.

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Is Equine Flu a problem?

Have you heard of Equine influenza? Also called Equine flu, this highly infectious disease affects the respiratory system of horses and donkeys, and it can quickly make itself at home in your yard!

These strains of viruses exist all over the UK, sometimes causing outbreaks that have forced many equestrian events to be delayed or cancelled and the halting of any movements of animals in the affected areas. As unvaccinated or otherwise vulnerable horses can suffer from a severe form of this disease, biosecurity and vaccinations are vital to ensure that your horses won’t be severely ill or prevented from entering competitions.

Learn everything about Equine influenza and how to stop it from entering your yard in our blog post.

What is equine influenza?

In the UK, this disease is commonly caused by two Equine influenza virus strains, the H7N7 and the H3N8. As with other viruses, these tend to continuously mutate and become more adept at causing larger-scale infections or outbreaks.

If your horse gets infected, you can spot:

  • Fever;
  • Depression and decreased appetite;
  • Persistent dry cough;
  • Clear nasal discharge that might evolve into a thick mucus discharge.

Animals that are young, unvaccinated or that have compromised immunity are more likely to suffer from a severe or even debilitating form of Equine influenza, possibly requiring veterinary intervention to avoid breathing issues or more severe respiratory infections.

Should I be worried that my horses might catch it?

Equine flu is a concern for all horse owners!

Equine influenza is endemic to the UK and extremely contagious, being able to spread from infected horses to your whole herd in no time. This is particularly important for owners who often travel to shows or events where many horses are gathering.

However, even if your horse never leaves his or her enclosure and you bring no other animals in, they are still at risk of getting or spreading this virus as it’s also very easy to catch it from droplets in the environment. Shared equipment, clothes, tack or bedding can all be important sources of infection, which means that any visitors to your yard might bring this disease with them.

Is there anything I can do to prevent equine influenza?

Vaccination is the best way to help prevent any issues with equine flu, and it is recommended that all horse owners vaccinate against it regularly. Not only will it help significantly to reduce the risk of serious illness but it will also increase herd immunity, helping prevent future outbreaks across the country.

In addition to a good vaccination programme, it’s recommended that you have effective cleaning, monitoring and quarantine protocols in place to limit viral spread.

If you’re concerned with the biosecurity in your yard, your vet can help you identify any points that could be improved and put better measures in place, so you can avoid not only Equine influenza but many other infectious diseases!

In summary:

  • Equine influenza is a common viral infection that can cause severe problems in yards;
  • We recommend you keep all of your horses vaccinated against Equine Influenza, even if they do not contact any other horses;
  • If your horse travels frequently or you often bring in new animals to your property, don’t forget to vaccinate, quarantine and watch them as needed;
  • In the case that one of your animals is struggling with breathing, fever or lethargy, don’t forget to talk to your vet as soon as you are able!

Would you like to know more about horses? Check our Equine Courses:

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