Cold weather dangers for dogs

What do low temperatures mean for our dogs? As winter approaches and the need for warmer clothes, antifreeze and road grit comes about, so the amount of care you need to take with your furry friends increases.

Keep reading to learn how to navigate the coming season and keep your dogs healthy and safe.

Antifreeze ingestion can be fatal if not treated

Antifreeze and di-icing compounds contain ethylene glycol. Its primary purpose is to reduce the freezing point of water, meaning it keeps water liquid even though the temperature drops below 0ºC.

Ethylene glycol helps us keep car engines running when winter really starts, which means it could be inside our homes and within reach of pets soon. As this substance tastes sweet, pets might feel tempted to drink from spills and won’t think twice about licking it off their fur if they get any on their feet or legs.

However, antifreeze is highly toxic, and even a tiny amount can cause fatal kidney damage. Here are some of the most common early signs of ingestion in dogs:

  • Lethargy;
  • Incoordination;
  • Drinking a lot of water;
  • Seizures and coma.

Even though these show up shortly after your dog has ingested antifreeze and might improve without medical help within some hours, ethylene glycol will continue to cause damage to the kidneys! To avoid fatal kidney failure, bring your pets to the vet immediately after you spot the first signs.

Always keep a close eye on your containers of antifreeze and your car for any leaks or spills on your garage, driveway or in cupboards. If you see any, clean them up as soon as possible and if you suspect that your pets have ingested any, call your vet without delay!

Rock salt might cause skin irritation and kidney damage

As the risk of ice on the road increases, local authorities will start to de-ice roads with a mixture of grit and salt that stops ice from forming and helps people travel safely.

If you go out with your dog, he or she will likely get rock salt on the legs and abdomen. This concentration of salt and grit can cause irritation on sensitive skin, especially between the toes, prompting him or her to lick it off.

Ingesting this much salt can lead to problems such as vomiting, lethargy or excessive thirst and might even cause damage to the kidneys if it’s severe enough. To avoid this, don’t forget to wipe your pet’s legs and tummy with a towel after being outside during the road gritting season.

Frostbite happens more easily than you’d expect

While frostbite is fortunately not an everyday occurrence, it is easier than it may seem for your dogs to experience conditions that may cause cold damage to sensitive tissues if you’re not careful!

Exposure to cold temperatures for long periods, be it ice, snow, or just a wet, windy day, can cause feet, ears or the tail to lose too much heat and freeze. This causes damage to the skin and underlying tissues, which will not feel pleasant for your dog.

To prevent this, always ensure that your pets are not stuck outside on freezing days, keep their walks short in ice or snow and consider dog boots that are insulated for when you want to play in the snow for longer.

Would you like to know more about dogs? Check our Canine Courses:

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Help your cat through shedding season!

The dreaded shedding season is here! If you share a house with a cat, or worse, several cats, you know that there is seemingly no way to eliminate the vortex of fur that comes from such a small pet.

Even though we cannot guarantee you will stop finding hairs all over the place, there are many ways to help your feline friend get through their autumn coat change and ensure he or she is not suffering from excessive hair loss.

Why is my cat shedding?

Cats, like many other mammals, lose a lot of fur during specific times to change their coat for a hair density more suitable to the season.

During autumn, they shed to grow denser fur for winter, which is a perfectly normal, if a little annoying, thing for them and us.

Breeds with long or denser hair like the Persian, Ragdoll or the Norwegian Forest cat will shed more, and their hair is considered to be of higher maintenance than breeds with shorter hair as they require more frequent brushing to avoid painful matting.

How can I help my pet during this time?

Here are some of the ways to make shedding season better for you and your cats:

  • Brushing frequently or even daily will ensure your house will have less fur flying around everywhere and also help your cat ingest less fur;
  • If your cat has long hair or is no longer capable of grooming due to problems like osteoarthritis, brushing is vital to avoid matting and to help him or her feel clean and comfortable;
  • Some cats might not appreciate some types of brushes, so in this case, you can try different solutions like a glove or a soft brush to see which ones they tolerate the best;
  • When your cat needs to be groomed, if he or she is not used to this intervetion, there could well be some resistance. The best solution might be to take him or her to a professional groomer every once in a while;
  • Ensure that you are feeding your cats high-quality, nutritionally complete and life-stage appropriate food as this will keep their fur healthy and lead to less shedding;
  • As this is a time of higher hair loss, your cat might ingest enough hair to have hairball problems, so don’t forget to keep an eye out for that!


What if my cat is losing too much hair?

Sometimes, it can be tough to know if your cats are simply shedding hair because of seasonal changes or if they have an underlying health problem that is causing excessive fur loss.

When you start seeing bald spots, excessive itchiness or dry, red skin, this might mean there is a problem that needs medical attention.

There are many causes for excessive hair loss, including parasites, fungal infections, nutritional deficiencies or even very serious problems like hyperthyroidism or even cancer, which is why it’s important to speak to your vet if you have concerns about your pet’s shedding.

Would you like to know more about cats? Check our Feline Courses: