Taking your pet to the ophthalmologist

Throughout the years, there have been several developments in veterinary medicine, and with these, specialisation in different areas of clinical practice.
Just like human medical doctors, veterinary surgeons can choose an area of expertise that they’re keen on and pursue further education and training on the subject. For instance, did you know that there are vets specialised in eye health?
And that is what we are going to address today – veterinary ophthalmology.

Veterinary ophthalmology

Vets can collect valuable information from conducting a thorough eye exam, which is not limited to the eye itself.
Systemic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, infectious diseases and others, can manifest through ocular signs, emphasising the importance of a meticulous physical examination, even when the problem seems to be localised.
And given that ocular signs can have multiple causes, from something as harmless as a speck of dust getting caught in the eye to something as severe as life-threatening hypertension, eye problems should never be overlooked.

So, as a pet owner, how can you recognise signs of ocular disease?

Common signs of eye disease include:
• Excessive tear production and tear staining
• Dry eye
• Eye discharge
• Excessive blinking
• Inflammation (red eye)
• Asymmetric eyes (different sized pupils, bulging, swelling, drooping eyelids, …)
But there are more subtle indicators that there might be problems with your pets’ eyes or vision, such as:
• Pawing at the face and other signs of ocular pain or discomfort
• Avoiding being touched on the head
• Avoiding bright places (increased sensitivity to light)
• Pain-related behaviours (aggression, hiding, …)
• Being startled when touched or bumping into furniture and other obstacles if there is vision loss.

Ocular problems and when to seek help

There are many eye-related conditions that can affect our pets, such as conjunctivitis and eye infections, which are common in kittens and unvaccinated cats (cat flu), cataracts, glaucoma, and cherry eye, to name a few.
A common ocular problem affecting dogs during spring and summer is foreign bodies (e.g. grass seeds). Foreign bodies are any kind of object that enters the eye and gets stuck on the eyeball surface.
Tear flow and blinking are sure to follow as these are normal mechanisms that protect the eye, aiding in removing these foreign materials. However, these may be insufficient, so if persisting, you should seek veterinary assistance to have the foreign body removed before complications (such as eye infections) develop.
These and other simple eye issues can usually be addressed by your regular vet, but if it’s something more complicated, your pet may need to be referred to a veterinary ophthalmologist.

If you have any concerns about your pets’ eyes or vision, don’t hesitate to contact your vet. As with most other health issues, the sooner the problem is addressed, the better!

Hypothyroidism in dogs

Have you noticed that your dog has been gaining weight despite eating the same amount of food, is less energetic, and his or her hair is thinning?

These are common signs of hypothyroidism, an endocrine disease of the thyroid gland that can affect dogs, especially after a certain age.


The thyroid gland

The thyroid is located in the neck, and it produces hormones that participate in many normal bodily functions, including (but not limited to):

  • Energy production;
  • Regulating body temperature;
  • Bone and cell growth.

As it has such an important role in everyday bodily functions, problems that affect the thyroid gland can have severe health consequences.


What happens when the thyroid gland isn’t working as it should?

Thyroid gland disease can cause an abnormal hormone production, either because it is:

  • Increased, which we call hyperthyroidism;
  • Or decreased, which we call hypothyroidism.

Dogs predominantly suffer from hypothyroidism, which is caused chiefly by immune-mediated destruction of the thyroid gland. However, we haven’t managed to figure out why exactly this happens.

Because circulating thyroid hormones are too low, you’re likely to see:

  • Weight gain without increased appetite;
  • Loss of hair all over the body but especially the trunk and limbs;
  • Decreased interest in playing and less energy generally;
  • Darkening and drying of the skin;
  • Higher chance of skin and ear infections.


Treatment and outcome

Even though hypothyroidism is a chronic condition, it can be managed through daily supplementation with the missing hormones.

Regular monitoring is essential to check if hormone levels are where they should be and make necessary therapeutic adjustments when needed.

With treatment, your canine companion can still live a long and happy life!


If you’ve spotted any of the signs mentioned above, schedule an appointment with your vet. If it is hypothyroidism, treatment should be started as soon as possible to avoid complications associated with this disease.

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