Canine first aid course
Would you know how to react and what to do in an emergency situation? Learning the basics of canine first aid may help you to save your dog's life.
The course covers:
- The canine first aid kit
- Moving injured dogs
- Vital statistics for your dog
- Airway, breathing and circulation (ABC's)
- Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and mouth to snout techniques
- Wounds, fractures, sprains and strains
- Collapse, heat stroke, burns, stings and poisoning
- Eyes and ears
- Mouth and throat
- Foreign bodies
- Prevention and drugs for animal use
Canine first aid
Canine first aid taster from The Pet Professionals.
£49.00 (for 3 months access to online course)
All prices include VAT at 20%
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