Category Archives: Cats

Has your pet ever eaten something he or she wasn’t supposed to?

Dogs 39 - Has your pet ever ate something he or she wasn’t supposed to
If there is one thing pet owners should keep in mind is to be careful with what their pets have access to.

Our pets can eat the most unbelievable things and in relatively large amounts. Vets know this very well as they are the ones who frequently treat these cases. That is why we wanted to share with you some of the stories from the “They ate what?!” contest.

This competition has been running since 2006 in the United States and showcases the unusual and often funny situations lived by veterinary surgeons and pet owners, when their pets decide to eat things they really shouldn’t.

The X-ray that won first place in 2015 belonged to Zeus. Zeus is a one year old Doberman who loves to chase golf balls. Apparently Zeus also loves to eat them. When his owner noticed Zeus wasn’t eating and not feeling quite like himself he took him to the vet. An X-ray showed this mischievous dog had swallowed 26 golf balls!

The X-ray that won second place belonged to a 10-week old Labrador, who had eaten the end of a fishing pole and the X-ray that won third place found a door hinge in 6-month-old lab.

Among the extraordinary entries you can also find the X-ray of a cat who swallowed several small coins or Yogi the cat’s X-ray that showed he had eaten more than 30 hair ties and other string-type objects. Danner, a 4-month-old male English cocker spaniel, was found by its owner “looking full and feeling crunchy”. The poor dog’s abdomen felt and sounded like a bag of rocks. It turns out the Danner had ingested 2.6 pounds of rocks!

Last year’s entries of this competition are equally impressive. A 3-year-old Grate Dane ingested 43 and half socks and Cody, a 10-month-old golden retriever swallowed a light bulb. You can have a look at their stories and incredible X-ray’s at:

Please be careful with what you leave lying around your pet. Although it doesn’t seem to make sense to us, unfortunately many pets will eat unusual items!
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Antifreeze is extremely harmful for cats!

Cats 15 - Antifreeze is extremely harmful for cats!

Antifreeze is highly toxic for pets. This substance is easily found in households all over the UK during the cold months, since it is commonly used to de-ice windshields after a cold night.

Antifreeze and water coolant from cars contain ethylene glycol, a chemical that is extremely poisonous for pets if ingested, even in very small amounts. This type of poisoning leads to kidney failure and it is often fatal. Cats are particularly sensitive to the damaging effects of this substance.

Common signs of antifreeze poisoning include appearing uncoordinated, vomiting, depression, lethargy, breathing difficulties, fits and ultimately death.

Cats usually have access to this chemical when it leaks from a car’s engine or when it is spilled somehow. It is not uncommon for cats to hide under cars for warmth during the colder months and if the liquid is leaking, the puddle that forms on the ground is very likely to be the only liquid that is not frozen around the area. An outdoor thirsty cat will easily find it and drink it. Cats can also step on the liquid and swallow it when they groom their coat or their paws afterwards.

The best way to avoid these accidents is to check your car regularly to ensure it is not leaking water coolant. It is also recommended storing antifreeze in secure containers, safely kept away from pets. Spills should be cleaned up as quickly as possible to avoid the possibility of a cat drinking or stepping on this substance.

If you notice any of the previously mentioned signs on your pet or if you suspect he or she may have ingested ethylene glycol, please do not hesitate and take him or her to the vet immediately. Early treatment is your pet’s best chance of survival and recovery!

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Holiday hazards for pets


Dogs 38 - Holiday hazards for pets
There are only a few more days left until Christmas and although this is a wonderful time of the year it has many potential dangers for our pets, especially if owners are not aware of them.

Christmas food is definitely on top of our list! The festive season is usually filled with sweets, chocolates, mince pies, Christmas cakes and Christmas puddings. All these foods should be kept away from our furry companions since they contain many substances that are toxic for them.

Chocolate contains theobromine, which is poisonous for dogs and cats. Chocolate poisoning in dogs is very common during this time of the year and affected dogs will often present diarrhoea, vomiting, hyperactivity, incoordination, and even fits (seizures). The higher the cocoa content, the more toxic the chocolate will be for our pets.

Xylitol is a very common sweetening agent used as a sugar substitute in sugar-free chewing gum, sweets, cakes, biscuits and it is also commonly used in coffee or tea. Xylitol is dangerous because it causes a sudden drop in our pet’s blood sugar levels, eventually leading to liver damage.

Although neither the toxic agent nor the process involved are entirely known, there have been many cases of dogs that developed kidney failure after ingesting grapes, raisins and sultanas. Please keep all the mince pies, Christmas cakes and Christmas puddings away from them.

Other toxic foods include macadamia nuts, onions and garlic which means that owners shouldn’t feed anything to their pet that might contain any of these ingredients. Feeding our pets with our Christmas meal leftovers is also not recommended not only because those meals tend to have very high amounts of fat but also because it often contains bones. Bones are a choking hazard and can cause constipation or even damage on their intestines.

Christmas decorations can be dangerous as well as holly and mistletoe are also poisonous for pets if ingested. Curious and playful pets may try to chew and swallow ornaments, tree light cables tinsel and ribbons.

Merry Christmas everybody!
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Are you thinking of getting a new pet for Christmas?


Dogs 37 - Are you thinking of getting a new pet for Christmas
Christmas is a fun and happy time of the year. It’s all about celebrating, eating delicious food, spending time with your loved ones and getting lovely gifts for family and friends. During this time of the year it is very common for people to either get a new pet or to give a pet as a gift.

This seems to be the perfect present for pet lovers and for children. The days off work during the festive season are also very handy to spend some time enjoying the recently acquired puppy or kitten. Since Christmas is right on our doorstep, this seems to be a very good time to remind all future pet owners that a pet brings a lot of joy but it is also a huge responsibility.

We could not be more supportive of families getting new pets but many of these are brought home on an impulse, which often does not end well for them. Every year, hundreds of pets are left at pounds, charities or even abandoned during the months following Christmas. Once people realise all it takes to have a pet in their household, that pet is often no longer welcome.

Being a pet owner means you are responsible for every aspect of that pet’s life and that means that getting a pet is a decision that requires careful consideration.

Please remember that:

  • All pets need to be cared for on a daily basis
  • All pets grow up
  • All pets grow old
  • All pets will become ill at some point
  • Different pets have different needs
  • If you are considering getting a new pet please think very carefully if you have the time and if you are willing to dedicate your time to this pet. Ask yourself if you have the space to provide an adequate environment and if you can afford the costs of feeding, keeping and providing health care for your pet.

    There are far too many pets without a home living their lives in kennels and we, as a society, struggle to manage that situation every day. This Christmas please keep in mind that a pet is for life and not just for Christmas!
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    Cough in cats

    Cats 14 - Cough in cats
    Many cat owners have probably seen their cat cough and wondered if that was just an occasional cough or if there was something else to it. It is normal for cats to cough every now and then, as there is always something in their environment that can irritate their airways and cause them to cough. It is also not uncommon for cat owners to mistake retching, a sound that cats often produce when they regurgitate hairballs with cough.

    If a cat’s cough seems to persist, if it becomes severe, productive or if you notice your cat starts showing other clinical signs such as being depressed or lack of appetite, then it is time to take your cat to the vet.

    There are several different causes of cough in our feline companions: a foreign body lodged in their air passages, pulmonary parasites, bacterial or viral infections (cat flu for example), heart disease and the most common cause, feline asthma.

    Feline asthma, chronic bronchitis, or allergic airway disease is usually triggered when cats inhales any substance that causes irritation in their airways. This means that feline asthma can be caused by common household cleaning sprays, dust, mould, pollens, cat litter dust, cigarette smoke and even perfume.

    When these substance are inhaled they will travel through the cat’s bronchial tree and not only there is contraction of the muscle that lines the bronchial tree but also mucous starts being produced to trap these agents and prevent them from advancing further into the cat’s lungs. All these reactions will trigger cough which basically tries to get rid of the mucous containing the irritating substances.

    The continuous irritation of the cat’s airways will result in the narrowing of those airways. This is why if your cat seems unwell and shows persistent cough it is very important to seek veterinary assistance. Some cats are just mildly affected, but others can develop more serious clinical signs. If left untreated the problem then becomes chronic and the narrowing of the cat’s airways is irreversible. The cat can have breathing difficulties and that the disease can be fatal.

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    Cat Flu

    Cats 13 - Cat flu
    If you are a cat lover or a cat owner then this post is for you. Cat flu is a common disease caused by viruses or bacteria that affects the upper respiratory tract of cats. Cats suffering from cat flu will show clinical signs similar to the ones caused by a common cold in humans.

    The viruses involved are usually the feline herpes virus (FHV), also known as feline viral rhinotracheitis virus, and the feline calicivirus (FCV). The disease can be caused by one or by both of these viruses and it may be further complicated by bacterial infections. Chlamydophila felis and Bordetella bronchiseptica are also commonly involved in this disease.

    Although the clinical signs observed in cats are very close to the ones humans show when they have a flu, the disease in humans is not caused by the same agents. You can rest assured that cat flu is not transmissible to humans.

    Cats suffering with the condition will often present an elevated temperature, cough, a running nose and eyes, sneezing, ulcers in their mouth, loss of appetite, and dribbling. Clinical signs can take up to three weeks to appear after the cat is infected.

    The disease can be transmitted through an infected cat’s nasal discharge, saliva and even through its tears. The viruses that cause cat flu can survive in the environment for about a week and they can be carried on objects such as food bowls, clothing, cat carriers and even in human hands.

    There is a lot you can do to help your feline companion if you notice he or she is showing signs of cat flu: make sure your cat gets plenty of water, try to stimulate its appetite with tasty and smelly food and keep your cat warm and comfortable, preferably in a quiet environment. You can gently clean the discharge from your cat’s eyes and nose using a damp piece of cotton wool, you can take it into the bathroom when you’re about to have a bath (inhaling steam can help improve their breathing) and you should always have your cat checked by your vet.

    The best way to reduce the risk of your cat getting cat flu is to make sure his or her vaccination plan is up to date, since the flu vaccine is part of cat’s regular vaccination plan. Vaccinated cats can still get infected but the clinical signs will be much less severe.

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    Dental disease in cats

    Cats 12 - Dental disease in catsDid you know that cats can also have dental problems? Unfortunately dental disease can affect cats of all ages and is actually quite common, especially in older cats. It is thought thatmore than 80% of cats over three years old have some type of dental disorder.

    Dental disease starts with the accumulation of plaque, a film of bacteria that develops on the surface of a cat’s teeth. This happens to humans too but the development of this film is usually stopped because humans brush their teeth. In cats, plaque gradually becomes thicker and eventually a soft grey or yellowish substance covers the tooth surface.

    As time goes by tartar or calculus starts forming and becomes very easy to see. Calcium starts depositing in the plaque layer making it darker and harder. Tartar appears as a yellow or brown crust substance usually seen at the gum edge of your cat’s teeth. At this stage tartar can only be removed with veterinary assistance and under anaesthesia.

    The formation of plaque and tartar will cause gingivitis, an inflammation of the gum surrounding the tooth. Over time this inflammation will affect the ligaments surrounding the tooth, eventually leading to permanent tooth loss.

    Periodontal disease will not only cause pain and discomfort to your pet but it will also become a source of infection that can spread to other organs such as the kidneys or the heart. Cats can also suffer from many other dental conditions such as stomatitis (an inflammation of the oral cavity), tooth fractures (common in cats that have suffered trauma), excessive tooth wear, etc.

    Owners may not always notice that their feline companions are suffering from dental disease since they will naturally try to hide any signs of discomfort. However, over time, clinical signs of dental disease become harder to hide. Cats that are struggling with oral disease will often have bad breath, eat less and lose weight as a consequence, dribble (sometimes with blood) and they can even have trouble swallowing. Some cats may present obvious discomfort when they try to eat, vocalising or dropping the food from their mouths. They may also present red looking gums that may bleed easily and loose or missing teeth.

    Brushing your cat’s teeth can help remove plaque and keep their gums healthy. However, it can be very difficult to brush a cat’s teeth especially if your cat has not been used to it from a young age. Dental disease is just one more reason for your pet to visit the vet for annual routine check-ups. You vet can help if treatment is necessary and give you good advice on what can be done to avoid these problems such as feeding your pet with a specially formulated diet.

    Most dental conditions in cats are treatable and more importantly they are preventable!

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    Vaccination – A simple way to protect your feline companion

    Cats 11 - Vaccination - A simple way to protect your feline companion

    Unfortunately there are several life-threatening infectious diseases that can affect our pets and this is also true for cats. Vaccination has been the best protection for our feline companions from preventable death and it is still the simplest and most effective way of protecting them against these diseases.

    Vaccinations work by stimulating a pet’s immune system to produce antibodies against specific diseases without causing them to get sick. When our pets are vaccinated, they are injected with an attenuated form of those diseases which is unable to cause the disease but will trigger our pet’s immune system to start producing antibodies against it. If the vaccinated pet ever comes across that disease again, its body will recognise it and immediately start producing the antibodies they need to fight it!

    Kittens usually start their vaccination protocols when they are 9 weeks old and are routinely vaccinated against “cat flu”, enteritis and feline leukemia. In general, these are given in two vaccines administered two weeks apart, followed by annual boosters.

    Cat Flu is very similar to a human cold causing respiratory disease. Affected cats will have a discharge from their nose and eyes, an elevated temperature, depression, cough and sneezes. It is not usually serious in adult cats but it can be dangerous for kittens or for older cats. The main causes for Cat Flu are viruses (the Feline Herpes Virus or the Feline Calicivirus) but other agents (such as the bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica) can also contribute this disease. The condition is spread from cat to cat through direct contact, through sneezing, or shared food bowls.

    Feline Infectious enteritis (panleucopenia) causes severe vomiting and diarrhoea and it is often fatal for kittens. It is caused by a virus very similar to the one that causes ‘parvo’ infections in dogs and affected cats will pass the virus in their faeces. This virus can survive for a long time in the environment and common disinfectants are not very effective against it.

    Feline leukemiais caused by a virus that attacks the immune system and leaves the cat more susceptible to other infections, anaemia and even tumours. This virus is often compared with the human HIV virus, as it affects cats in a similar way. Feline leukemia is transmitted through direct contact, often through mutual grooming, fighting or mating. Kittens can also get it through their mother while they are still in their womb or through their milk. None of these conditions are transmissible to humans.

    A pet’s vaccination schedule should be defined according to its particular needs and lifestyle, which means your vet may suggest a different vaccination plan depending on your cats’ individual situation: an indoor cat may have a different vaccination schedule than an outdoor cat for example. It will also vary with the manufacturers’ specifications for the vaccines involved.

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    Catnip and cats

    Cats 10 - Catnip and cats width=If you are a cat owner or a cat lover you have probably heard of catnip, an herb that causes behaviour changes in cats. Have you ever tried offering a catnip toy to your cat? How did he or she reacted? We would love to know!

    Most cats will show some reaction to catnip. Cats can become very relaxed, roll and rub their face in the catnip toy, or simply stare into something we don’t really know what it is. They can also become extremely friendly, vocalise more, start purring or start running around the house, sometimes appearing to pursue an invisible prey. Some cats can also become aggressive. Each cat will react in its own way, but it is generally thought that male cats will get more excited than females.

    Catnip is an herb called nepeta cataria that belongs to the peppermint family and although scientists and researchers know that the active substance in it is nepetalactone, they don’t really know what is it about nepetalactone that causes cats to react differently. The general theory is that nepetalactone mimics the effects of a cat pheromone, most likely associated with mating. When cats smell it, it triggers a neurological response, similar to how cats react to sexual pheromones.

    Not all cats show reactions to catnip. Being sensible to the effects of catnip appears to be an inherited trait and about 70% of felines will display some sort of odd behaviour when they smell catnip. Similar responses have been observed in lions, tigers, pumas and leopards.

    The behaviour changes caused by catnip can last between five minutes to an hour and once a cat has smelled catnip it will take a few hours until the cat is susceptible to the effects of catnip again. It has been found that kittens usually do not respond to this herb until they are about six months old. It has also been observed that cats will stop showing reactions to it as they get older.

    Most cats love catnip and this herb can be very helpful! It can help anxious cats feel more relaxed and it can also be used as a way to encourage your cat to use a scratching post for example. Nowadays, catnip can be found in toys, in oil spray and you can even buy powdered catnip.

    Owners can rest assured that the herb is safe for cats as its effects are short-lived and non-addictive.

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    Cats and boxes

    Cats 9 - Cats and boxes

    Anyone that may have spent some time around cats or enough time on the Internet is probably aware that cats love boxes. Cats love all boxes in general, but they really enjoy cardboard boxes. Our feline companions are known for often showing far more enthusiasm for the box in which the brand new cat bed came in then for the cat bed itself!

    This topic has even been researched by science! A recent study investigated if providing hiding boxes for cats arriving at a shelter would contribute to reduce their levels of stress. Scientists concluded that yes, it does! Cats who had recently arrived at the shelter and were provided with hiding boxes not only showed less signs of stress than the cats who did not have a box, but they also took less time to adjust to their new surroundings and new fellow cats. This is very important for cats in shelters because stress will not only affect how they feel but will also have a great impact on their health. Stress can affect their immune system and make them more susceptible to outbreaks of infectious diseases.

    There are many reasons why cats love boxes, particularly cardboard boxes. A box provides cats with a warm, comfortable enclosed space, which makes them feel safe. Cats are predators and boxes are also perfect to observe from afar and ambush their prey.
    Cats tend to avoid confrontation by nature and their usual strategy is to retreat to a safe area whenever they have to deal with a stressful situation. Boxes are great hiding spots for a cat to take refuge if there is any source of stress, anxiety, hostility or even unwanted attention in its surrounding environment.

    This information can be very useful for cat owners! Cardboard boxes are a great tool to welcome a new cat into your home as it will provide him or her with a safe space to retreat if he or she ever feels overwhelmed. It is also a great way to enrich your cat’s environment, especially if you have more than one cat.

    You can try spreading a few cardboard boxes around your home, placing them in different locations and at different heights, and see which ones your cat prefers!

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